  • Tasmania - Launceston

    5. Juli 2019 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Day 1.
    So I had planned to leave the house at 5.
    At 4:50 Will is like “hmm, I better pack”
    Sometimes I could kill him.

    Will drove, bless him. I had pre arranged for us to park In the blue emu carpark. It was cheaper than getting an Uber there and back.
    They sent me a bar code. The idea was to have an easy morning but naturally our bar code wouldn’t scan.. Will was not in the mood and yelling at the machine. I told him to press the help button a solid 5 times before he did. Bloody men.
    Found a good car spot and only had to wait maybe 5 minutes for the shuttle bus to take us to the airport.
    Airport was randomly busy for 6am.
    Had a fun time at airport security. I borrowed dads bag and there was a hidden deodorant can in it.
    I just had to wait a while but poor dude next me was done with the workers. They were like slugs. No rush and no communication as to why your luggage isn’t being returned.
    Dude next me had the most random assortment of items - books, lights, mini art easels.
    They wanted him to open his box of books and he was like I can if you give me a key or knife. So he asked another security dude do you have a key or knife - the man nodded - the dude was like ok well can I borrow it? The the security guy said “we aren’t allowed to carry those things”
    Dude was like THEN WHY DID YOU NOD.

    “You need to calm down sir”
    Enjoyed watching this spectical.

    We got breakfast then headed to our gate.
    They weighed our bags. We were 0.5kg over but lovely lady let us in.

    Got the window seat and Will was stuck in the middle.
    We both slept.
    Flying is better when not alone.

    Landed. Airport security is POOR HAHA. Port Macquarie has better security lol.

    Literally enclosed by 1 climbable fence.

    We had a giggle as when you enter the exit hall you have to go through some high tech tunnel thing.
    Blew the budget on them 😂 haha.

    I had organised a hire car. We decided to up the insurance to the middle level.
    Car is fine. Small little blue thing but does it’s job.
    We drove to Launceston city centre. More like town centre.
    It was like a combo of Tamworth, Townsville and Eastern Europe. 80% of shops were shut for no reason. Very odd.

    We walked to the city park. We entered through the “Frank Dowse” entrance. Exciting cause Dowse is so uncommon.

    The park was lovely. It did have the most random
    Monkey exhibit though. The Japanese ones that cope with cold.
    Apparently there has been animals on displays for eons and they did pick an animal suited to the climate but unless it’s conservation related I don’t really like animals as show ponies. Totally unnecessary.

    There was also a cute little conservatory/greenhouse thing which was nice. Also a chess set, duck pond and a kids train tooting about.
    Also noteworthy were the clean public toilets. My one even had a sharps disposal bin.
    We kept strolling around the streets. It’s really nice.
    Popped into have a quick feed at this health food store and a hot choccy next door cause it’s pretty bloody cold. We were expecting worse but still crisp.

    Will wanted his bloody coffee milk so we found a Woolworths and had to buy him a razor too.
    Walked back to the car and headed to Cataract Gorge reserve.
    Glad we drove cause it was up the mountain.
    We decided to get the chairlift across - why not? It’s a holiday :)
    We got a return ticket but only ended up using it one way.
    It had a sign saying
    “Worlds longest single chairlift span”
    The lift was slow but had a good view.
    There were a lot of random trails to take - we first walked up to the Alexandra lookout. It said it was 15 mins away and steep.
    It might take 15 for people with one leg but it took us 2.
    Lovely view over the gorge.
    Walked back down and crossed over the bridge. Lovely view up the gorge/canyon - don’t know technical term - the water between the mountains lol.
    We chose to do another walk to the sentinel lookout. An estimated 50 minute return trip. This estimate was much more accurate. Ha.

    Lovely walk. I find uneven walkways more fun although you do miss some of the scenery cause you are busy watching your step.
    It was just very peaceful and a nice temperature for excersise. The last part was very steep but we got there and the lookout was lovely.

    Walk walk back.

    We could check in til 2 but it was now 1 so we headed over. It was about a 20 minute drive.
    We were still early so we passed time by checking out the Swiss village next door which was cute and had cool kids stuff I entertained myself with like a big pirate ship and big bouncing pillow.

    We checked in and crashed out for 3 hours. We like our hut thing but it has no internet.

    Relaxed for ages cause we actually did a shit tonne of walking today.

    Eventually went and got dinner from the bistro next door. Expensive but good food.

    We booked a wine tour for tomorrow :)

    Will just farted in his hand and threw it in my face.

    This took me so long to write - writing it during the adds to Mr & Mrs Smith.