  • Nanas 90th

    5 oktober 2019, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Thrilled to see the little lady again.
    I gave her here present - Yak wool socks and Nepalese tea bags.
    We went to little fish for her party - she wanted to be late so she could make an entrance 😂 she didn say it outright but she made this desire clear.
    She bloody loved walking in lol.
    I gave everyone an awkward hug - Micah got a big genuine one.
    Will didn’t come because - originally he was coming but then in Feb we got the whole “she has 3 months to live” notice meaning there wasn’t going to be a party so he made other plans.
    It was Toms bucks party so a bloody good reason.
    It was good food and good company.
    Elise has photographer friend she organized to tak picture which was lovely.
    We all got some wonderful pics with Nan.
    I’m sure she felt famous and was soaking in the attention haha.
    Beyond pleased with the photo of me and Nana together. I love it.
    Afterwards we went to Lynley’s got dips and breads etc.
    One by one people left until it was just Micah, John, Lynley and I. We chatted for hours. When I got home Nana was asleep. She had a terrific day. Se said she felt so happy and full which was lovely to hear. She said she was responsible for all these people and thought it was wonderful.
    Thanks for having sex nan?

    We didn’t do a sappy goodbye when we parted this time. I didn’t need her too. We know we love each other.
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