  • Hari 1

    Day 1

    2 Maret 2020, Kamboja ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Drove over to Mum and Dads to drop the car off - they are going to take it for a service while we are away.
    We picked up Joey at Epping station and dad drove to the airport.
    We are flying with Qantas - they only have the self serve check in which is BS.
    Some lady was coughing in the tsa area. People were giving her dirty looks lol.
    A lot of people with masks on but not as many as I thought.
    FYI: Coronavirus is causing world anxiety at the minute.
    Had maccas for breakfast (Tom was already in his 3rd beer), went to our gate, sat with Sabdys maid of honor and eventually jumped on the plane. They have all of Big Bang season 12 which I’m excited it’s watch.
    The seat next to be in empty; delightful.
    I always like when the seatbelt fits. Makes you feel normal sized not obese.
    Very sleepy but having the usual problem of havubv nowhere to put my neck. My wrist is also hurting supporting it so poo.
    Need to have my cyst removed when back.
    Reminder of change of flight saga: they cancelled our connecting flight from Singapore and did NOT email me to tell me. It is by luck we found out through Tom who made an off handed comment when playing Xbox with Will.
    They had put us on a new flight but it left Singapore at 1pm and our first flight wasn’t arriving until 4pm.....
    So I spent an hour on the phone with Expedia and they fixed it - we are now flying through Bangkok instead. I’m just flabbergasted by the whole thing not because it was cancelled but because they dis the mention it!?!?!

    Urgently hanging out in Thailand. We have a 5 hour lay over.
    So far we are outraged by the lack of WiFi but also the price of food. NOT ONLY THIS —— but we bought 2 meals from Burger King which were fenced but changed to our phone anyway. SEVENTY dollars.
    Fuck off.
    they gave us a meal and we will have to dispute their her transaction when home - don’t want to do it now in case they cancel our card lol.

    We have been sitting on chairs playing games of ‘would you rather’ have found WiFi but I think it’s off a plane nearby not the airport.
    Nadia (maid of honor) by some miracle found us.
    This airport is MASSIVE and yet so unbelievably boring. And like no seating?
    We got a cute little group pic in front of our connecting flight sign.
    Lots of face masks now. Lots!
    Our plane is empty 😂 youuuuuuu beautyyyyyyy.
    We are all tired and delusional. Joey had a coconut while we were waiting - best coconut I’ve ever had. Keen to eat more once we get there!
    I’ve needed to pee so many times. Always feels like it’s gonna be 7L and ends up being 5 drops. 🙄
    It’s Toms birthday today. He is miserable about spending his day in an airport.

    There is only max 20-30 people on our plane. Had great flight. 1 hour so just up and down. Yew.

    Just started our decent into Phnom Penh. Keen to get there and go to bed. DELIGHTED that we arrive at night and not our usual 7am where we hav to wait hours to check in. Bloody cheering.

    Customs was quick cause there was no one to process 😅
    I had pre arranged an airport transfer so our dude was waiting for us and drove to the hotel.
    Checked in and went straight to lie down haha.
    Our room is stuffy but hopefully once the air con kicks in it will be niiice.
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