  • Giorno 172

    Frankland Islands

    4 gennaio 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    I had to get up early (as always) to join a tour to one of the Frankland Islands.
    Westover down to the Mulgrave River where we went on board of a ship that took us down the river across the ocean to Normanby (or Normandy Island who knows).
    The islands are Nationalpark area and UNESCO world heritage listed. This means there is nothing one the island except some wooden tables and benches.
    We got our masks, snorchels and finns as well as stinger suits.
    Stinger suits need to worn to protect your skin from the poisonous Jellyfishes that live here.
    The islands are surrounded by the Great Barrier Reef which is exactly where we went snorkelling.
    It was absolutely amazing. 💕 We saw the massive colourful coral reef with all it's inhabitants. Lots of small and big colourful fishes (we even found Nemo) , as well as crabs, a stingray, giant clams (they were bigger than my upper body) and lots of Green Sea Turtles. 💕
    One really big one was just swimming underneath me which was incredible. 💕
    We did lots of snorkelling as well as an island walk and eventually we went back on the boat to make our way home again.
    Snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef will not be something I will forget easily. 💕
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