  • Giorno 336

    Gappie Farewell Social

    17 giugno 2017, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Socials in Australia are a special phenomenon.
    Normally it means one or more boarding schools visiting another to have a party for their students with social interaction (hence the name).
    Especially when the boys visit our girls or the other way around everyone gets really excited.
    And because we live in a country town and basically everyone is a farmer we hear a lot of songs about tractors, cowboys ("save a horse ride a cowboy" no joke) and other weird country songs you have never heard before. Australian also loves its themed parties so every time the girls and boys get to dress up with the boys usually wearing less than our girls.
    Anyway we only have one week left so we decided to host our own "Gappie Social" for our girls.
    We decorated the assembly hall with balloons and set up a photo booth for the girls. Of course we all had a theme for the girls it was "Leave a little sparkle wherever you go". 💕
    The girls came as their sparkliest self and we handed out glowsticks as an added bonus.
    Since it was our social we finally got to play some good songs that you can actually dance to.
    We played games like musical statues (when the music stops you have to freeze), had dance battles and sang karaoke. 💕
    It was heaps of fun. 💕 We danced all night and our last song was "Castle on the hill" as it is our coming home song.
    The girls were really cute and made a tunnel for us to walk through as well as giving us three cheers. 💕
    We will really miss them all. 💕
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