Australien 2016-17

juillet 2016 - juillet 2017
Une aventure de 350 jours par Katharina En savoir plus
  • 81empreintes
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  • Jour 265

    Costumes, Cleaning and heaps of fun

    7 avril 2017, Australie ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Who would've thought cleaning and tidying up could be so much fun?
    The drama department finally found a key for one of their store rooms and of course that one looked like an absolute mess.
    One day before we left for the holidays we started cleaning and throwing things out because most of the things in there were ready for the bin (we even found mummified lemons).
    Some of the costumes were still wearable though and we had heaps of fun dressing up in all the crazy ways
    possible. And of course we took pictures of our favourite creations. 💕
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  • Jour 266


    8 avril 2017, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Our next adventure started with the 6am flight from Armidale to Sydney (you can probably guess why this one is always the cheapest).
    After the 7h layover in Sydney we finally got to board our plane to Auckland, New Zealand. 💕
    3h later and we were waiting for our bags but only one of two made it #thanksAndrew. Anyway we made our way to the hostel and crashed right into bed.
    What better way to start a holiday than with an incredible breakfast? We had smoothie bowls (edible art) and lime and sea salt sodas. 💕
    Auckland surprised us with warmer weather than we expected but New Zealand can have four seasons in one day which we did learn over the next two weeks.
    After a sightseeing wander across the city and a trip to Starbucks we fortunately got a call about the missing bag which was reunited with Sophie a couple hours later.
    We were finally ready for the upcoming adventure that would take us across the North and South Island of New Zealand. To celebrate we went to the cinema to finally watch Beauty and the Beast.
    Okay seriously that was the best movie I have seen in a long time maybe even ever. It is such a beautiful story and the dream of every disney child. 💕
    What can I say it was the perfect start to the perfect holiday.💕
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  • Jour 268


    10 avril 2017, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    First day of our tour and we got to meet our bus and btw I'm still surprised that it didn't break down even when we were driving through mountains and some roads who didn't deserve that name.
    The first stop of our tour was the Coromandel Peninsula where the Cathedral Cove from Narnia is located. Well talking about weather, New Zealand had just experienced a cyclone (we didn't have to wait to long for the next one) which meant the Cathedral Cove was flooded so we did a walk along the cliffs to at least get a look at it from above the cliffs. 💕
    The next stop was Shakespeare Cliff with it's lonely bay that 100% looked like a movie set (most of New Zealand actually does). 💕
    It was unreal and of course a perfect spot for some photos.
    One of the activities we got to do and for me a must-do in New Zealand was a bone carving course. We got to choose one traditional Maori pendant to make and both went for the Fish Hook because we liked the meaning the best. Just as last time in Bali we were not convinced on how our endresults would look like but hey I think we did pretty good, don't you? 💕
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  • Jour 270


    12 avril 2017, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Have you ever burned your feet while walking on a beach?
    Most of us have probably experienced very hot, sun-heated sand but it is something different that makes this beach in New Zealand special. It is indeed not the sun and actually not even the sand that turns the ground into a stovetop. It is the ground water that seeps through fractures in the ground and gets heated by volcanic activity 2km under the surface of the earth before it rises to the surface again. This water reaches temperatures around 60 degrees which, trust me, is enough to burn your feet.
    But if you dig a hole at the right spot where the hot ground water is mixed with the cold ocean water you get a perfectly warm spa pool directly on the beach.
    It was definitely fun to experience this one of a kind phenomenon, our earth truly is amazing. 💕
    Waitomo is famous for its Glowworm Caves and deservedly so. We joined a tour where we got to walk down into the cave where we got to see some magnificent stone formations and even got a little concert to show us the perfect accustics down there. 💕 The highlight of the tour though was the boat ride at the end.
    You enter a part of the cave that would be completely pitch black if it weren't for the millions of Glowworms that cover the ceilling of the cavesystem.
    They glow in a turquoise blue-ish light and it truly is a magical sight. I have never seen anything like it and it definitely was a once in a lifetime experience and one of the many highlights of our New Zealand tour. 💕
    On our way to Rotorua we spotted some ostrich and of course New Zealand's famous sheep.
    Later that evening we went to a Maori cultural show. It was really informative and interesting and we got to see the Haka dance and other Maori dances. It was a great night with amazing food. 💕
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  • Jour 271


    13 avril 2017, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit..... 💕
    That's the first sentence of J.R.R. Tolkien's book and it was also the reason we wanted to come to New Zealand.
    We actually didn't know anything about New Zealand other than that it was the movie set for The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies (which I absolutely adore). 💕
    New Zealand has of course many more great things and places to offer but visiting Hobbiton was definitely our number one priority. 💕
    It was a dream come true when we went on the bus that would take us to Hobbiton. Unfortunately New Zealand experienced its second cyclone (Cyclone Cook) that time which for us meant heavy rainfall but nothing could ruin this magical experience not even a cylone.
    We were actually pretty lucky because all the tours after ours got canceled because of the weather.
    Anyway we started our tour through Hobbiton equipped with massive umbrellas and our cameras ready to take pictures of everything we saw. There are really no words to describe this place. There a 44 hobit holes, as well as the party ground and the Green Dragon. 💕
    I took countless pictures that day and it was truly heavenly. 💕
    We got to be Hobbits for the day and heard many stories about the building of the film set as well as behind the scenes knowledge about the actors and the movies itself.
    It is incredible how many details were considered while building this place from scratch. 💕
    We visited Bilbo's Bagend as well as Sam's home and ended the tour with some Ginger Beer at the Green Dragon.
    I still can't believe that I was really there. I will cherish those memories forever.💕
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  • Jour 272


    14 avril 2017, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Since we couldn't do the Tangariro Crossing (you just got to love cyclones) we had nothing planned for our day in Taupo. When we woke up and realized the weather was actually pretty great (most of the cyclone passed us during the night) we decided to go on a boat cruise on Lake Taupo to see the Maori Rock Carvings. 💕
    The boat trip was great. I got to hand-feed ducks, we watched a fishing demonstration, got to see the carvings, watched somebody's canoe drift away, ate freshly baked blueberry muffins and enjoyed the sun.💕 Oh and we also saw a rainbow. I say it was a pretty good day even though we couldn't go on our hike and who knows maybe we will be back one day. 💕
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  • Jour 273

    Huka Falls

    15 avril 2017, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    What I realized during my year in Australia and New Zealand is that some of the most beautiful things I have ever seen are creations of nature. 💕
    It is a bit strange when you say you looked at some moving water and it was beautiful in your opinion but I think these pictures speak for themselves. 💕
    The Huka Falls were just a quick stop on our journey from Taupo to Wellington but they were really unreal. 💕
    Because of the cyclone and all the rain it brought with it the Huka Falls were filled to the brimm with water, water that had a colour I had never seen before in a river. It was crystal clear and turqouise.
    We took a lot of pictures and stood there for a while just admiring the magnificent sight in front of us.
    There were so many moments during our time in New Zealand that just felt out of this world, this was one of them. 💕
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  • Jour 273

    Wai-o-tapu Thermal Wonderland

    15 avril 2017, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Talking about out of this world experiences, have a look at the pictures and tell me they don't look like from another planet. 💕
    Wai-o-tapu is also called the Thermal Wonderland and rightly so. It is a collection of geothermal hot-pools, each of them containing different minerals, hence the colours. Most of the pools and rockformations originated in earthquakes or were formed because of collapsing volcanoes.
    It is definitely a spectacular and unique sight the only slightly unpleasant thing is the smell in the park. Because of all the hot minerals, especially the sulfur, the whole park (even some towns in New Zealand e.g. Rotorua) is covered in a cloud of rotten egg smell. When you thought you got used it you were hit by yet another cloud of hot stinky fog. Anyway it was still super interesting and fun to discover our planets more rough and pure side. 💕
    After the park we went to see the Lady Knox geysir erupt. In this case the eruption is caused by human hand.
    Biodegradable soap is thrown into the geysir to start the eruption, the hot water starts bubbling out of the geysir and eventually turns into a 10-20m high water fountain. It was the first geysir I have ever seen so I thought it was pretty cool and impresssive. 💕
    We then went on with our journey to Wellington which took us another six hours.
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  • Jour 274


    16 avril 2017, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Wellington is the capital of New Zealand and also the windiest city of the country.
    What better way to start your Easter Sunday than with a treat to yourself? Our treat was going to the WETA Studios near Wellington. 💕
    All the probs, movie sets and costumes from movies like the Lord of the Rings triology, the Hobbit films, Narnia and so many more great movies were designed and made here. Most of the original probs and costumes that were used in the movies were returned to the Studios for storage.
    You can have a look at all those when you join one of the guided tours like we did. For copyright reasons your not allowed to take photos of the originals in the workshop but you can take pictures of the replicas for sale in the shop. You can buy everything there from bows and arrows over swords to life-size figurines of Gollum or others. 💕
    During our workshop tour they explained the process of making probs all the way from the director's first idea to the finished product. They also shared some behind the scenes knowledge about LotR and other films with us and we even got to play with some original probs from the actual movies like Torin Oakenshields shield and a skull from the Army of the dead scene (Return of the King, LotR).
    After this magical experience through the movies we drove up Mount Victoria to get a 360° view of Wellington. The weather changed soon after that and became really rainy and grey but it was the perfect weather for our visit to the national museum of New Zealand (Te Papa). 💕
    There really is something for everybody in there from native nature and animals to Maori Art, over the earthquakes and volcanoes that shaped New Zealand to our personal favourite exhibition on the Gallipoli mission during the first world war.
    The exhibition "Gallipoli the Scale of our War" portrays the mission of the Australian New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs) in turkey. It is a very interesting yet incredibly moving exhibition.
    WETA Studios made eight over life-sized replicas of eight different people that fought in or were affected by the war. The exhibition focuses on the stories of these eight people which makes for a quite personal experience. It leaves you raw with feelings and a new perspective on the war as you get to 'meet' the people behind the numbers and facts. 💕
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  • Jour 275


    17 avril 2017, Nouvelle-Zélande ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    3 1/2 hours, that's how long it takes to cross the gap between the North and South Island of New Zealand via ferry. We found a rather perfect little spot on board of the ship and had the perfect view while staying warm behind the glass. 💕
    We spend the time reading and admiring the changing landscape. The South Island does look different compared to the North Island which we got to experience further after we arrived in Picton.
    Our spot for the night was Nelson but we stopped at a beautiful winery called "Cloudy Bay Winery". Since I will forever love everything that can be used as a swing I was more than happy with the seating at this place and it was such a good scenery in the midst of the wine fields. 💕
    After our little relaxed stop we drove to yet another movie set from the Hobbit movies. In real life the river is called Pelorus River but in the movie it is the forest river in which the Hobbits escape from the elves stuck in barrels.
    If you are a movie geek you should definitely consider going to New Zealand. 💕
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