  • Dag 72

    Day 9- weekend done and dusted

    4. oktober 2020, New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    Sunday and we had another day without any big plans. No booked exercise today but we managed 3 walks at the front entrance. 12000 steps on a circuit that’s about 120 steps. We both tried a YouTube yoga workout. Will update tomorrow on how our muscles are feeling.

    We watched a couple of netflix comedies and documentary called The Social Dilemma which was excellent.

    More people left isolation today. We watched with envy as the security guards opened the gates for them. Then later on more replacements arrive to keep the hotel full. Catching a lift down tonight took almost 20 minutes but it gave us a chance to talk to others who were also waiting.
    Lunch was lentil dal which was very nice but dinner was roast lamb which was just as good as last Sunday.
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