
enero 2019
Una breve pero excelente aventura de JulieReganAdventures Leer más
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    3 de enero de 2019, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    After 10 days in Rangiora we landed back in Melbourne at 11pm and promptly repacked to depart by 10am next morning with caravan in tow. As the caravan is for sale with no buyers yet we saw the opportunity to enjoy a few more days in camping mode. Euroa is about 2 hours north on the road to Sydney. Weather was promising warm conditions. That was an understatement. Stopped at Seymour for lunch. This town has a large Vietnam war memorial area. Worth visiting. Arrived in Euroa mid afternoon with temperatures in early 30's. After set up went for a walk into the village for food.
    Euroa is a small town that was bypassed by the Hume highway. It's very quiet but the small river that passes through is lovely. Not many shops but the local supermarket is a large general store selling groceries, paint, clothes,hardware and pretty much anything you may need. And a bottle store of course! The town boasts some large renovated historic buildings with placards explaining their heritage. A warm nights sleep in our caravan with small double bed and no aircon.
    The next day started very warm. 30 degrees by 10am. A river walk for us then into the camp pool. By midday it was past 40 degrees so we hopped in the car for some relief and sightseeing. A drive to Mt Wombat up a rutted track tested the vehicle clearances. At the top there was a volunteer bush fire warden watching for smoke. He was already watching 2 puffs of smoke in the distance that we couldn't see. He was in his flight tower hut with aircon which was lucky. Within 2 hours of us leaving I believe he got very busy as a large fire started a few miles away. It lasted for a few days and burnt over 10000 hectares.
    We continued a circuit to Polly McQuinns weir and dipped our feet. Was really just too hot to be outside the car by then. A coffee stop at Violet Town then back to camp and the pool which by now had quite a few like-minded people in it. Then out to an airconditioned pub for a meal. Still in low 30's when we returned to our caravan but thankfully a cool change was due overnight.
    The cool change arrived with wind, rain and 16 degrees. Talk about extremes! We also have no heating in the caravan so the wardrobe choices really contrasted to the previous days. A quiet relaxed day reading for our last day before returning home to face the first day of the 2019 work year.
    Happy New Year everyone.
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