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  • Day 18


    April 29 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Reality set in this morning - we needed to get home to make it to tonight's basketball games... so we left Wangaratta at around 8am with just a brief stop to change drivers at a truck stop somewhere 2 hours from Wangaratta and again at Pheasants Nest, arriving home just after 3pm.
    Whilst travelling with friends and seeing this great country is fantastic, we have to pay the bills somehow.... work and school tomorrow and preparation for the KLLAC AGM and Presentation Day next Sunday.

    Who knows when the next adventure will be - for now, it is Port Lincoln in January 2025.

    Stats: 17 days - 5,200 kilometres (3.6k km by car, 559 km by ferries (including Spirit of Tas), 25 sea miles (jet boat at Bernie Island), 22 km by bus (Cradle Mountain), 30 km hiking and 4 km walking, 8,415 photographs (dSLR), and lots of beer, wine, spirits and cheese!
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