  • Hari 79

    Bulgarian village life

    23 Julai 2018, Bulgaria ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    After a thunderstorm and strong rain in the tent, it takes us until 10am to dry our equipment. The owner of the guesthouse gives us cake and coffee for breakfast, maybe he can see our condition after this horrible night. This leads to a ride trough heat all day. We cycle up and down, up and down and up and down. Wi is quite fed up with cycling upwards. We only have one major second breakfast break and arrive at the only guesthouse in a small village that is along our way around 5pm.

    The russian-bulgarian couple that owns the guesthouse cook together with us. Our communication is hand-foot-russian-bulgarian-german-english-pantomime-based but works pretty well.

    We try pork rind with raw garlic and bring it down with Rakia which will bring us health for the rest of our lifes (Of course we believe that). Saying no to more food or alcohol is not an option. So, after three hours of eating and chatting, we're fully stacked and have unlimited power to go on. But first let's sleep. Nazdrave.
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