Muttley does Yorkshire

kesäkuuta 2022
15-päiväinen seikkaillu — Martin and Debbie Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 2


    17. kesäkuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Ow do muckers? It's bin a while since I was on the road wot with them bogging off to the States with them two delinquents from Netherton. Well before we set off he game me waste tank a right good clear out, thank gawd for that I was feeling well bunged up. Nothing beats a good clear out of yer system does it? So not much to tell ya we had a good steady journey up to Scarborough , without too much driving instruction from herself which med a change. Nice site, bit of a bbq and a drink or two in the sunshine, though not as warm as yow lot are gonna be getting in the 'south'. He's got an itinerary bless him, an we are movin about quite a lot which suits me so I am quite looking forward to rambling through the Dale's an all. Speak soon.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 2

    North Bay Scarborough

    17. kesäkuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Well it ay the heatwave day forecasted up ere in the North, warm and cloudy it is. Its OK cos I doh like it too hot as it frizzles me solar panels. So theym walking to Scarborough today across the field to the coastal path and down to Scalby and along the prom with all the other old gits to the North Bay. She doh seem too thrilled but he's happy as a dog with two dicks (as the saying goes), he does love a (r) amble. As it happens it a fairly easy walk and the North Bay is nice and unspoilt with what used to be grand hotels and guest houses overlooking the beach. Hilly climb up the cliffs and a pint in a pub to recuperate, any excuse for them pair! A wander round the shops in the town centre, (bet we was appy bout that), and a quick cheap beer/gin in Spoons before a bus ride back, double decker front seat of course! Later on he drags the BBQ out again and burns a burger or two and because there's sod all on me telly they can agree on to watch they play his new birthday dice game which he loses at several times, so he ain't happy, but at least we all enjoy a nice sunset.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 3

    South Bay Scarborough

    18. kesäkuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Well theym off to Scarborough again to do the South Side. Bus today there and back (single decker there, double back for you bus afficienados!). Walk down from the station to the prom then a right turn to stroll to the Spa end. They reckon everyone in Yorkshire must own at least one dog, there is so many in the beach at this end, banned though in the popular part of the sand. About turn and...... 'they ended up at the Grand Hotel, it was empty, cold and bare' for all you Deep Purple fans, yes you MrMc! They didn't see any smoke on the water though. South Bay was rammed apparently with day trippers, either in the many, many arcades or scoffing ice cream and fish n chips. After taking in the harbour a terrible thirst overtook them and Ghost Shop ale was supped to save them from dehydration. Fish n Chips next at Winking Willie's Fish Restaurant and pretty good was the verdict. Yorkshire Air had turned a bit chilly so a wander back up to the town centre in time for the bus home. Last time they were here with them kids Sarah and Jennie along with their Granny Mary, they got froze and rained on the beach for a week, with that Tom just a bulge, so thanks Scarborough you've been great and a bit warmer this time.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 4

    Clickety Clack, Clickety Clack.........

    19. kesäkuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Well theym up bright and early for them (8.30). and an hour later we're on the road to Pickering where the North Yorkshire Railway starts. To get the most of the journey he's devised a plan, gawd help her! I am parked up at the site weme stopping at for the night alongside the railway and they am biking down to the station and tekking the bikes on the train. The Moorside special goes to Grosmont and they plan to cycle one station back to Goathland, thus seeing the two villages and the iconic stations. So off they go and on the way he checks out the OS map cycle route thinking the paths and roads follow the train track ie level. But what's this he's found, the road gus up un down like a whores draws (as the saying gus). Even wiv them posh electric bikes hers avin none of it, so time for plan B. The nice woman in the booking office says they can stop at Goathland for an hour and then hop on the Whitby special to Grosmont then 90mins later back to Pickering. So the bikes get a ride on 3 trains and not used.... brilliant. Goathland station and village are used in Harry Potter films and Heartbeat the sixties programme. Very nice apparently and Grosmont has engine sheds and a pub so he was appy sides! Back at Pickering and the sun is out and so are the knats and mozzies by the streams, so inside the van a bit early with me flyscreens down.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 5

    Pickering to Helmsley

    20. kesäkuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Well wim on the move again today, this is good for me, keeps the oil sloshing round me system. They pop to the market in Pickering coming back with some nice cheese, and then we pop up the road to a nice farm shop they saw yesterday for fruit and veg and meat from the butchery. Thornton le Dale is next, and he's excited cos it's the home of Matthewsons Car Auction featured on the telly programme Bangers & Cash. Lovely village, lovely ice creams, so lovely! Now, they were going to Castle Howard stately home, but its very expensive, and Nunnery Court close to Helmsley ain't gonna cost em nought as they ave their National Trust Cards., so it's decision time.......... They really enjoyed Nunnery as it has a great sense of a lived in home, so much so that herself has insisted on a separate footprint to show off er photos. Nice cake as well in the caff, brace yourselves.........Lue lisää

  • Päivä 5

    Nunnery Court

    20. kesäkuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Nunnery Court photos. Dow say I didn't warn ya....... After this we nip a few mile up the road to our stop for the night in Harome, a nice village just short of Helmsley. A tour of the village in the evening and usual pint of course, but in a very posh hotel garden. Bartender thought they looked a bit shifty in t shirt and sandals, so wanted their dosh before they went outside apparently. Understandable with them pair.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 6

    Our day in Ruins - Helmsley Castle

    21. kesäkuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    After a peaceful night on our tod at the wonderful site in Harome, we mek the short ride and park up in Helmsley. Beautiful town with lovely local foodie shops, which they took full advantage, Curd Cake anyone? Nah, me neither. Off they go to ave a look at Helmsley Castle, which looks like a pile of old stones to me, but he's appy again cause they use their cards for free entry. We'll they gid em both audio guides so they cud imagine wot it was years ago, which they enjoyed, apparently. Then on again to another ruin, Rievaulx Abbey, fer xxxxx sake wots going on with these pair! .Lue lisää

  • Päivä 6

    Our day in Ruins - Rivelaux Abbey

    21. kesäkuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Well the car park at this crappy pile of old stones is rammed , and after a lot of toing and froing he sticks me up against the verge on a single track road, which I aye appy about at all. They meks themselves a picnic and off they goes leaving me hoping that damn bus we met down the hill aye coming back to scrape me sides. Another card another free entry and again an audio gizmo to tell em wot life was like as a monk, but shitty I wud ave thought meeself. Anyways them back now and we set off to Thirsk for the night at the racecourse site parked up by the rails overlooking the course - lovely.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 7


    22. kesäkuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Stunning hot n sunny day here at Thirsk Racecourse and after a leisurely morning they amble off to the town centre. He's on a mission today to visit the acclaimed James Herriott Museum being a closet fan of the famous vet books published many year ago. Wots buoyed him up as well is they get a two fer one offer with their Caravan Club card, so at £8.50 for them both it's a bargain. It's also a wonderful interactive place showing both the original home in its past era, and the sets of the BBC studios, very entertaining and herself took lots of photos. A Spoons pint followed the visit and a look at the Thirsk Yarn Bombers which adorn the posts around the market square, then back to the racecourse to soak up the Yorkshire sun.Lue lisää