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  • Day 9

    Day 7

    March 1, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

    Cheese Factory site to Dick’s Creek Gap road.

    12.7 miles today, 69.2 total miles.

    Everyone was up and at ‘em and on trail by 7:30 am. All were excited to get to Dick’s Creek Gap road crossing by the end of the day, which meant a zero day tomorrow in Hiawassee, GA to wait out the upcoming thunderstorms. Relaxing hotel room, McDonalds, Starbucks, and Ingles grocery store to re-supply. Yum. Yum. Yum.

    But first, on the hottest (78) and most humid day yet, there was scaling 4,500 ft Tray mountain at 8:30 am.
    Adding insult to injury were 3 different water stops today that were all 0.2 off the trail (so 0.4 round trip each, distance that “doesn’t count”). Down a hill 1/5 a mile, lugging 3 lbs of water back up to your backpack.

    The piece de resistance was the final summit of the day, the trek up Kelly Knob. The steepest rise of the AT thus far. Where’s the sensitivity? No thought to at least add some switchbacks?? 🙁😳

    This hit us early afternoon after we were physically and mentally spent. There was then the 4.5 mile ridge run mostly downhill to Dick’s Creek Gap and our shuttle rides into Hiawassee.

    There is a well known phrase that “the trail provides”. Almost every day, usually when you need it most, there is a moment or a situation that occurs that helps you physically, mentally and/or emotionally. On that downhill toward town, when I was feeling my lowest, I quickly came up on a husband and wife who’s story I had seen/been following on YouTube. Their YouTube site and trail name is “The 592 Movement”. Their combined weight is 592 pounds. The husband’s name is Buddy. In a vial attached to the front of his backpack was some of his father’s ashes. His Dad had always dreamed of hiking the AT, but never got the chance. They were bringing his spirit along, and at the same time, trying to become healthier and have an adventure of a lifetime. They aren’t fast hikers, and it certainly can’t be easy for them, but they were probably the most happy twosome I have seen out there on the trail. When I stopped with them at that last water source of the day (as we were all gassed and out of water), Felicia gave me one of their 592 Movement stickers that she carries and told me to think of them when the trail gets tough. Their goal: get to the end of the AT (Mount Katahdin in Maine) in 7.5 months, a collective 225 lbs lighter, and to bring Buddy’s dad to his happy place.
    Sometimes, true perspective isn’t all that difficult to find. ❤️
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