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    It's business time

    22. September 2018 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    We were the first in the queue for our China Airlines flight from Sydney to Taipei, and because we were flying business class we were invited to the lounge and even given an express pass through customs and security. This all went smooth as butter, as we got through the line and full body scanner in no time and had almost made it to the promised land of the departure lounge. But then I must have emitted another Pablo Escobar vibe, because the guy with the magic wand zeroed in on me like I a fat girl at a buffet spotting free shrimp. A quick swipey swipey, rubby rubby later and the machine flashed up green, of course!

    Eventually free of Australia's wily border force we sauntered down to the business class lounge, where I proceeded to eat one of everything. Not because I'm greedy, but because I felt I was representing New Zealand and it was my patriotic duty to join cultures through food.

    Three house later I waddled out and made the taxing 100 metre walk to our gate, where we were waved past the plebs and wafted into the sanctuary of the business class section of our A350-900. Time to stress test my lie flat bed. Taipei is 9 hours and 7000km's away, what a hardship.