  • День 10

    Day 10 recap

    31 августа 2019 г., Босния и Герцеговина ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Last night we befriended Colin and Chris, a father & son team from the uk driving a beautiful Citroen BX Gti. After an hour of what Katharina called 'citroen nerd talk' it was decided to ride together the next day.
    Day 10 saw us drive the beautiful single file roads of montenegro, cross into bosnia and end up in sarajevo.

    Progress in Montenegro was initially good, until we ended up in a traffic jam. Turned out a bus driver decided to go up the same road in the opposite direction. Took him a while to reverse into a spot where we could pass.

    Montenegro is incredibly beautiful!

    Crossing in to Bosnia took us quite a while, boarder guards where unhappy with our expired green card and the insurance sales man was not at work that day. After hanging around 30 minutes it was decides that the only way forward was to 'exchange favors'. 40€ went their way so they would look away while we drive past. First time I ever encountered such a situation and it was quite amusing.

    Things went a bit downhill for the BX Gti in Bosnia. In a long turn oncoming traffic decided to go for an ill advises overtake. I breaked hard, the BX behind me lockes up and slid into the guard rail, denting and scratching the passenger side. Turned out Chris had removed the abs fuse and did not tell his father who just stepped on the brakes hard expeting to be still able to turn. I witnessed the whole thing in the rear mirror and it was quite sad to see.

    Once in Sarajevo we went out for dinner and started to joke about the whole situation.

    Sarajevo has some nice night life, but many parts of the city can be quite grim at night. Also quite a few scars left from the war.
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