  • Dag 11

    Thoughts by Jack in Bahir Dar

    12 januari 2016, Ethiopië ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    I know ya’ll were hoping for Vee’s inspiring words and funny posts, but I have thoughts too! A little different from hers…
    As aforementioned, we landed in Nairobi only to leave the very next morning for the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. I was a little surprised, (almost disappointed!) by how smooth both airports went. I was expecting chaos: It was not. Landing, getting the visas, finding a ride, finding washrooms: all was underwhelming. I came on this trip wanting to be challenged both personally and in my preconceptions of Africa: I know this isn’t just a World Vision ad of a starving child 24/7! Still, I viewed Africa as some “final frontier” for backpackers and independent travellers; there’s hardly any hostels and it’s expensive. Yet in our short time here I’ve realized that it’s like any other travel. You don’t understand the language, some people are super helpful, others less, but everybody needs to eat and sleep so you find those things easily. On the bus ride to Bahir Dar, I watched out the window among the blasting music of our bus to a landscape of yellow fields then red canyons and greens trees, dusty brown villages, blue skies and thin cattle with no sign of modern machinery. I had flashbacks of the trees near Aljoun in Jordan, the villages near San Carlos in Nicaragua, the children begging in Delhi and so forth. I felt at home like I often do when I’m lost. This isn’t the final frontier in any way, it’s just needs to be explored and I’m beyond excited to do so. I’m also, I won’t lie, excited for Vee to eat her first real meal. All in due time…till then, let’s go have fun!
    ps. In case I dulled you into a fake sense of comfort, none of the toilets haver their seats or toilet paper for that matter. Just so you know!
    Edit: Vee has eaten! I repeat, she has successfully had both an orange and pizza! *the crowd cheers* End of edit.
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