  • Día 4

    Rocky Mountain Natl Park -Day 2

    20 de julio de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Left Colorado Springs and established a new base in Grand Lake Colorado. This town is near the West entrance to the National Park. Yesterday we entered from the East side at Estes Park. We will only stay here one more day before we head to the family reunion in Wyoming.

    As we prepared to enter the park again from this side we stopped for a photo opportunity in front of the park entrance sign. After taking a couple of pictures of my wife a kind spirit stopped her car and got out to ask if we wanted her to take our photo (together) in front of the National Park sign. After she took several shots I asked if I could return the favor and she said, "No" then got back in the car and drove away. What a wonderful act of kindness!

    Today we did get a chance to see an elk in one of the meadows within the park but that animal was smart enough to stay far enough away from my lethal camera lens so that I could not get a decent photo of her. Maybe when I get to Grand Tetons I will have more photo opportunities with wildlife. I knew if I went back into the park around dusk I would probably see plenty more. The question is, "Would they still avoid my camera lens?" Pattie is sure she saw a black bear running back into the forest but the beast would not come out to pose for a few shots.

    After visiting the park for the day we went to the Visitor Center to learn more about the park and it's inhabitants. We capped off the day by going back in town where we were able to find something delicious for both of us to eat. A fitting conclusion for another great day of our road trip.
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