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  • Day 16

    Book Signing

    May 16 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 54 °F

    One of the joys of living in a city for a month is discovering an event early in the stay that is happening weeks later, and then knowing you’ll be around long enough to do it.

    This time it was an authors discussion and a book signing for What If Women Designed The City? By Dr. May East. I bought the book a couple of weeks ago, read it, and then I was eager to hear her talk.

    Wow! When reading the book it was academic, but when she spoke about it…. It got worse. She talked to the group as though we were a group of fellow academics in her same field sharing a common vocabulary. Of course, only a couple of people in the group of “regular bookstore patrons” were at her level. Needless to say, the group was lost and it was hard for her to make her points understood.

    Didn’t stop me from having her sign my copy.

    Which I will leave at the Airbnb, it wasn’t that good.
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