  • Hari 36

    Piazza Navona, Rome

    4 Oktober 2018, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    After the grime of Rome it was nice to visit the Piazza Navona. This is a very pretty (and clean) square built on the site of the Stadium of Domitian, built in the 1st century AD, and follows the form of the open space of the stadium. The ancient Romans went there to watch the agones, games, and it was known as Circus Agonalis, competition arena.

    The buildings surrounding the square include the Palazzo Pamphili, the family palace of Pope Innocent X who reigned from 1644 to 1655. The church of Sant’ Agnes’s in Agone also faces the square and with the other beautiful buildings they make a lovely backdrop to the important sculptural fountains.

    In the center stands the famous Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi or Fountain of the Four Rivers, created in 1651 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. I am still fascinated how the artists/sculptors could achieve so much detail and definition. So much talent.

    The other notable fountain in the Piazza is The Fountain of Neptune, created in 1574. This is another example of great skill and talent, and is striking against the orange tones of the building behind.

    This was the perfect spot to enjoy a cup of coffee and a croissant while admiring the view and listening to a nearby busker play the guitar. And best of all this place didn’t appear to be on any tour guides so it was very uncrowded.
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