Sharon and I are joining two other couples for our next adventure overseas. This trip is to Japan to see the world famous cherry blossom.. we will be away for 16 days of culture and excitement. Meer informatie Victoria, Australia
  • Dag 18

    Homeward Bound - Japan Experience

    19 april, Japan ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

    Breaky done. Western style this morning included minestrone and a Caesar salad. What the…..

    Bags are crammed full and ready to go. We decided we could handle the 800 metre walk to the train line that heads to Haneda Airport. The footpaths here are almost always smooth so dragging the bags is not a big issue.

    Our reliable train man is Martin. He has mastered the subway system so we take his lead and follow. He even ensures we do lifts and escalators to avoid the stairs. Thank you Marty.

    Travelling on public transport here is a breeze. You get a Suica card that you use on all forms of transport. In the past few weeks it worked on buses, trains and trams. You just top up from a credit card when it gets low. Suica card is also accepted at convenience stores so it really is clever.

    After about a dozen stops we arrive at the massive Haneda terminals. We needed terminal 3 for our flight home via Manila.

    The portable wifi we rented for the trip needed to be put in a mailbox before we enter customs. It worked ok but Esim is better for long holidays.

    Queuing is a sport in Japan and nobody seems to mind. Soon enough we are airside for a snack before boarding.

    Seemed appropriate to take advantage of the ridiculously cheap gin and tonics at the 7 Eleven. At $A1.60 each hard to resist.

    So reflections on Japan. Loved it and will be back for sure. Might do Autumn next time.

    The culture is so different to home. Their society is safe, clean and respectful. It was hard to find any poor behavior anywhere.

    The language is a barrier but that’s part of the fun of traveling. Google translate is your new best friend.

    If you thought Japan is expensive then you are wrong. Eating with a few drinks and getting out and about on the public transport is quite cheap. The rest of the shopping is probably expensive but we were there in the absolute peak season.

    The locals don’t litter although nightclub district get messy late at night (hearsay)! You are encouraged to take all your litter home to recycle. Cars are well kept and not many are damaged. It’s a pride thing.

    Vending is everywhere including hot drinks. Same prices as the convenience stores.

    Now in Manila. Super strict security. We had to even identify and open our checked through luggage before we could board. No movies on that leg - boo.

    This is a first. We were invited to board as seniors. At least we weren’t offered wheelchairs.

    Now on to Melbourne where Ubermates Neil & Sharyn will be waiting.

    Enjoyed this trip with our buddies. Lots of laughs and fun.
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  • Dag 16

    Last Day in Japan

    17 april, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    You know you are becoming confident tourists when you don’t even open google maps to show you the way to the station!

    If you need help for the trains just speak to the robotic station master and it will give you directions.

    Our entertainment today is to visit the harbour side area of Tokyo. There is a driverless train that takes you around shops and attractions. There was a replica Statue of Liberty, fancy ferries, Legoland and much more. Lunch was in an old town area near the seafood market. Good fun and as usual clean cheap food. Jen loved her garlic prawn burger!

    Nakamise Market was next for some more last minute shopping. Our feet are sore and we are running out of steam.

    Breaking news! My package from Osaka has arrived to my room. Cost me A$10 and my house keys are back with me. The whole problem I caused speaks volumes to the integrity in Japan. They happily solved the problem to my timeline. I can’t imagine getting this kind of service in many other countries.

    Dinner tonight we walked local and experienced our first bad behavior from a restaurant. We were refused entry “locals only”. We had heard about this but didn’t believe it was true.

    A few doors down we looked at the descending staircase and the no English menu and said “ let’s do it”.

    Turned out to be some kind of Japanese tapas experience. Cold beers, gin & tonics combined with some of the best dishes we have had to date. Hilarious watching each of us using google translate to order dishes. A really great meal for our last dinner in Tokyo.

    Off to the airport tomorrow.
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  • Dag 15

    Tokyo Shopping Day

    16 april, Japan ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

    We all slept in and hit the road mid morning. The boys requested a trip to Tokyo Dome which is the home ground of the Tokyo Giants baseball team. They have a huge following in Japan.

    I wanted to buy an authentic team cap so we needed to get to the shops at the stadium. Right beside the dome is a rollercoaster ride that looks scary. It hadn’t started to operate by the time we left the area. The girls found a shopping centre to keep themselves occupied (surprise surprise).

    Next stop was further down the subway line to fine a place called “A Happy Pancake”. Not easy to find but the food was great. Savoury and sweet was on offer. Light and fluffy.

    We all went our own way so Sharon and I explored the Sunshine City shopping precinct which was popular with young people.

    At one point we noticed a “Piglet + Cafe” and before you know it we were inside nursing piglets for 30 minutes. It was hilarious. Sharon was very popular and had 8 on her lap all jockeying for prime spot to take a nap. Every so often another piglet would walk up and bite the others. They squeal and protest and then it all settles down again. What a funny experience.

    Long subway ride back to base and tonight we have booked to go up the world’s tallest view tower.

    Sky Tree tower is 450 metres tall and gives a 360 view of Tokyo. At night it is even more special. There were big crowds so you just have to be patient. So many picture opportunities. We were all very impressed.

    Another long day. Sleep well tonight.
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  • Dag 14

    VFT back to Tokyo

    15 april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Our tour ended with our dinner last night and now we are on our own again. Inspiring Vacations did a great job. Our two weeks was at the absolute prime time of the year so getting around and doing tours must be a challenge. We got good value for our money.

    We prepaid tickets on the VFT to Tokyo which will scoot along flat out getting us there in 2.5 hours. We are all in different carriages because we have our big bags and only a few seats have storage behind them.

    Eating of trains is a popular pastime. The people beside us had a bento box and beer. What a feast.

    About halfway to Tokyo I realized I left my house keys back in Osaka in the side zip of a carry on bag that broke so I left it for the housekeeper to throw out. We texted Ken for help and as always he stepped up. My keys are on their way to Tokyo! Fingers crossed it arrives before Thursday.

    As we approached the outskirts of Tokyo there was a flurry of activity in the carriage as travelers clambered for a picture of Mount Fuji. Quite stunning today in the warmth of Spring.

    Tokyo station is just a giant of a place. Train lines everywhere and shops on multiple levels. It is a massive people mover. Our hotel was a 800 metre walk so here we are for the next three days.

    Time for a drink at the local Celts bar and we decided to go into town to a place called Scramble Crossing. We zig zagged on the subway and found it. The best view was from a rooftop bar. So many people crossing in all directions.

    Tokyo at night was buzzing. Time to hit the sack.
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  • Dag 13

    Goodbye Hiroshima hello Osaka again

    14 april, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    This morning we depart Hiroshima via the bullet train to Shin-Osaka Station. This station has fantastic shops and the bento packs to eat in transit seem popular.

    We will fly along at about 300 km per hour. Meanwhile our bus will take the slow route back with our bags and catch us with up later in the day.

    Osaka will be more free time to shop and check out the station precinct until the bus gets here.

    We enjoyed a walking tour of the Dōtonbori area. One of Osaka's most popular tourist destinations, this street runs parallel to the Dōtonbori canal and it was packed today being a Sunday. The shopping was good although we didn’t really try the street food after eating on the train.

    This evening is our last together on tour so we will enjoy a dinner as a group at a local restaurant. It was a set menu with drinks provided. The hot sake was a favourite. The tables were low with a foot well. No shoes allowed.
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  • Dag 12

    Miyajima Is. & Hiroshima Peace Memorial

    13 april, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    After an hour on the bus we arrived at the harbour where we boarded a ferry for the short trip to Miyajima, an island known for its forests and ancient temples.

    We all sat on the starboard side to get a good picture of a 'floating' torii, which becomes partially submerged at high tide. It marks the entrance to the Itsukushima Shrine, which was first built in the 12th century.

    We got our bearings and made our way up into the hillside to the Daishoin temple. It was well worth finding the Buddha statues with all their cute knitted caps. The gardens were amazing too.

    To get back to the ferry you must transverse Omotesando Street which is brim full of local foods and souvenir shops. I tried the grilled oysters which are cultivated here. They are triple the size of our ones back home. The girls found a cocktail stand so they indulged in a $A7 drink only to find a refill opportunity 50 meters further on and they only charge $A2! All good fun.

    Now we are back in Hiroshima where we will pay our respects to the Atomic Bomb Dome, otherwise in Japan known as the Genbaku Dome, or the Hiroshima Peace Memorial.

    A shell of a building that was one of very few left standing after the USA
    bombed Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. The bomb detonated 600 metres off the ground and destroyed everything for over 5 kilometers. Unlike the other majors cities in Japan Hiroshima had not been bombed up until that day.

    In Hiroshima today, locals have mixed feelings about the UNESCO World Heritage-listed structure. Some see it as a reminder of war, whilst others consider it a tribute to remind the rest of the world that this kind of carnage should never happen again.

    The most daunting part of the day was walking through the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. As you would expect there are the images, artifacts and exhibits that are confronting and shocking.

    There is a flame outside the museum in the cenotaph which is intended to burn until the last nuclear weapon on our planet has been destroyed.

    Hiroshima should be very proud of what their city has become today.
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  • Dag 11

    Osaka to Hirashima

    12 april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    We left behind our big luggage which will remain at the hotel in Osaka. We will only need our overnight bags for next two evenings in Hiroshima.

    Our next stop was one of the tour highlights. Himeji Castle is a hilltop Japanese castle complex situated in Himeji which is on route to Hiroshima. It is UNESCO World Heritage listed too. The castle is regarded as the finest surviving example of prototypical Japanese castle architecture. There are 83 rooms with advanced defensive systems from the feudal period although this castle was never actually attacked.

    The castle is also known as the 'White Heron Castle', Himeji. The design is predominantly white and it would look incredible at night under lights.

    Today is a beautiful blue sky day and with grounds full of cherry blossom it was the perfect visit.

    Now we will continue on to Kurashiki, a city on Japan’s Seto Inland Sea. We had a casual walk around the Bikan Historical Quarter, known for its centuries-old buildings and lovely local shops.

    Two more hours of bus time before we get to our hotel in Hiroshima. A long but very enjoyable day.
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  • Dag 10

    Kyoto to Nara then Osaka

    11 april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Kyoto turned out to be a very busy and exciting city that we all enjoyed. Now we move on to Nara. It is not too far in the bus today.

    We are at Nara visiting the Todai-ji (Great Eastern Temple), famed for its Great Buddha Hall, which remains one of the largest wooden buildings in the world. This impressive UNESCO building houses a 15m-tall bronze statue of the Buddha Vairocana.

    Afterwards we wandered past monks residences and then through out the gorgeous Nara Park, where more than 1200 tame sika deer roam freely. It’s smelly and you have to look down to miss the droppings. If you carry anything paper they will come up and grab it. They seem content with their lives, but they really aren’t wild at all.

    We lunched at Happy Kitchen which had nice burgers and fresh fruit smoothies. Some western food was a welcome change.

    Last of the day was Osaka Castle. It is a historical site situated at Osaka-Jō in Chūō-ku, Osaka. It lies on the south of the Ōkawa and occupies a large area in the center of the city of Osaka. This park is the second largest park in the city. The crowds here were huge but it was great to see this marvelous structure.

    Can you spot the deer in the tree picture?
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  • Dag 9

    Kyoto Free Day

    10 april, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    The tour company left us to our own arrangements today so anything could happen.

    Ken gave me notes and I photographed timetables for us to go by suburban train to the bamboo forests but Chippa convinced us the bus was a better option and he was right. The bus went out through suburban Kyoto and you get to see more that way.

    It is our warmest day so far in Japan and great for playing tourists. The Bamboo forest and nearby Kimono poles were really busy. Rickshaws are a novelty if you want to take it easy.

    Further out of suburbia is a Buddhist temple in the Arashiyama neighborhood. Empress Shōtoku founded this order in the middle of the eighth century. It has been flooded by the Kamo River a few times but in the last 50 years it has been restored as an offshoot of the Enryaku-ji temple. There are 1000 Buddha carvings that gather moss and look great.

    For something different we caught a tram back to the hotel. We had time to do some shopping and then we caught up at a boutique brewery for pre-dinner beers. My beer was stout and 10% proof!

    Dinner was back to the same place as last night but different meals on the teppanyaki tables.

    We move on tomorrow to Osaka
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  • Dag 8

    Kyoto Day Tour

    9 april, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Our first night here was really wet. We walked a long way to see the blooms by the river but unfortunately we got caught in the downpour.

    In the canal they cleverly put a piece of wood across the water to build up the falling blossom so it looks pink. Magnificent.

    This is a thriving city and crowd looks young and more affluent. The main street has all the big brand stores. We also spotted our first genuine Geishas getting out of a taxi and shuffling into a restaurant.

    I noticed a Pokémon machine that costs 200 yen to knock a card into your tray. We watched kid have a few goes and Sharon stepped up and got two! The kid was not impressed.

    This morning we walked along the Philosopher’s Path, running alongside the Lake Biwa Canal. It’s perfect for a slow stroll under the fragrant blossoms. Nearby we entered Ginkakuji temple and has been one of the highlights of our trip. The Japanese gardens were immaculate and tranquil. Just how you would imagine. The girl's stamp books were hand done much to their delight.

    Lunchtime was at a temple which also had excellent gardens and buildings. You learn the difference between temples and shrines. You worship your god at temples but at shrine you hope for life goals and good life.

    Kinkaku-ji temple is a UNESCO site and the busiest one in Kyoto. We were warned about massive crowds but it wasn’t that unbearable. The temple is famous for being gold plated so no wonder it is popular.
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