  • 日54

    Papamoa beach

    2018年11月3日, ニュージーランド ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    For the past 10 days we have been staying in Papamoa, in a cute little guest house, across the street from the beach. You think when you go away on holiday you will feel relaxed and stressfree but that really was not the case with us. When you are moving around all the time you don't feel like you get to just relax. So this was a perfect opportunity for us to take some chill time. Some things that we got up to over the past 10 days:
    - sleeping and napping: this one was especially important for Keegan
    - watching Netflix... a lot of it!
    - beach walks and home yoga (nice way to relax😊)
    - mountain biking at Summerhills and out in Rotorua (only a short 45min drive away)
    - little hike up Mount Maunganui aka 'the Mount'
    - biked the Hauraki railtrail (old rail road track that is now a gravel bike path in the coromandel area. There is a tunnel that is over 1km long that is pretty neat! Also was a good reminder to buy padded bike shorts!
    - dinner and a visit with Jenna (Luke's sis) Blair and the kids. This was so nice since we don't have a ton of opportunity to hang out with friends over here.
    - got out surfing for 4 days. Well for me, it was an attempt Haha. Conditions were not amazing for a beginner which really makes you feel frustrated and like a scaredy-cat! I'm a pretty solid swimmer and have done a lot of open water swimming but surfing is so different! There is a lot more fear involved in surfing and I was scared a lot! Hopefully we will have some better conditions coming so I can get some practice with that.

    We both feel like we didn't do a lot but I think that was the point! It also gave us an opportunity to do some planning for the next couple months.

    Oh and we signed up for the Old Ghost Road mountain bike track! It's 85km long, with 5000m of climbing, technical terrain, including some pretty crazy looking alpine riding. It looks insane and I'm really excited about it! Training has officially started😎