Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau

Where to start with this one... I never thought a museum could have such an effect on me, but then again this isn't just a museum, it's the site of a mass genocide. If we start from the very beginningRead more
Where to start with this one... I never thought a museum could have such an effect on me, but then again this isn't just a museum, it's the site of a mass genocide. If we start from the very beginningRead more
Just because you can do something doesn't always mean you should... Right? So after having a boring and slightly lonely day in Mulheim and Essen and contemplating leaving ( a common theme of thisRead more
Well this was definitely cool. After finally meeting up with Nina and her friends ( an hour late, thanks DB) we spent the day trying to find some buildings to explore. Though we were mostlyRead more
The day I managed to give myself food poisoning in Europe. Definitely woke up and chose violence the way I was just eating and drinking everything, even running back to the doner shop at the trainRead more
So I only went to Oberhausen because someone else was going (does that mean I followed her😬). I knew we were going to an old industrial park and a concert and not much else. I didn't expect muchRead more
So special I did it twice. So I came to this cathedral on my first full day in Cologne when I was having a lot of doubts about the real point of this trip. I immediately felt the magestic draw of thisRead more
First museum visit of the trip. It's very interesting to see just how divided Germany was after both of the wars and the attempts to unite Germany without encouraging right wing nationalism
Well that's one way to escape from the city. After Amsterdam and Cologne I had just about all the urine smell I can handle so here I am at a lake or dam or something on a nice little hike enjoying theRead more
Imagine my surprise when a 200ml Kölsch got me feeling tipsy enough to order a coffee straight after so that I "didn't get too drunk". I guess it's true, the beer hits differently here.