Coral Adventures

marzo - abril 2024
Joining brother Charlie and his wife Sue for an adventure cruise ups the west coast of Australia from Fremantle to Broome with snorkelling and other adventures. In Broome Sue & Charlie celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Leer más
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  • Día 11

    Cape Peron & Bernier Island

    28 de marzo, Indian Ocean ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Woke up to sunrise.
    After another excellent breakfast the Explorers headed out towards Cape Peron across Shark Bay
    Many opted for a walk along the cliffs and back along the shore. The warning was it would be very hot and so we chose to take a cruise around the coast instead. On the beach we saw a Wedge tailed eagle feeding and Caspian as well as Crested terns alongside many pied Cormorants. On top of the cliff was a feral goat (which are a bit of a pest).
    After lunch while we moved up the coast a bit to Bernier Island, we had tours of the engine room and bridge. All very high tech and impressive how clean everything was. The ship has no rudder, just two Rolls Royce propeller units that can turn through 360degrees to give manoeuvrability. There is also all the water and provisions and waste storage, production of water and air conditioning, mostly electric and powered by two main and auxiliary diesel engines. Fascinating.
    Later we went across to the Clam gardens for a snorkel. Unfortunately the current and wind were a little too strong for us to get very far, although conditions were the warmest they’ve been so far.
    We are now sailing on to Ningaloo.
    Woke up to sunrise
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  • Día 11

    Ningaloo Reef

    28 de marzo, Australia ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    Conditions were investigated first thing by Wayne and Co. It was decided that the first excursion of the day would be a beach swim / snorkel due to wind and current. We had anchored some 20km north of Coral Bay in Bateman Bay. Our chosen beach was pretty sheltered and had a small reef just offshore. There was still a current although it was possible to walk up the beach and drift back along the reef seeing all manor of fish, many the colours of the sand with different tinged fins and stripes.
    We got back to the ship in time for coffee and Terry’s talk on WA islands and their wildlife.
    The afternoon trip was ‘slightly’ different (Wayne’s word) in that no coral was involved. The aim was to see turtles and maybe Manta Rays. Some did, we didn’t, although lolling around in the warm water watching electric blue fish was pretty cool. The sea got a bit choppy later and those at the front of the boat got drenched a few times, much to everyone’s amusement.
    Next a Mixology class given by Darcy, Phoebe and Captain Matt, during which Charlie won the Strawberry Daquiri
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  • Día 12


    29 de marzo, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    An early start!
    Onto Explorer for short journey to Exmouth (pop 4,500) then a big coach to take in Cape Vlaming lighthouse (1912 with lens made by Chance Bros of Smethick). Then on Myerling centre for cake and some retail therapy.
    This was followed by a visit to Turquoise Bay where snorkelling was excellent. Some difficulty getting the coach out of the car park as it was absolutely heaving being Easter Saturday. Some brilliant reversing by Stefan got us clear in the end. A very short lunch and some of us were heading back to Exmouth for a trip to the Aquarium with seahorses and hermit crabs and some lizards then a short visit to the craft Froth brewery for a quick one. It just so happened that the footie was on Tv.
    Return to the ship was closely followed by drinks and a bbq on the 7th sun deck as the sun set. Magical!!
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  • Día 14

    Murion and Serrurier Islands

    31 de marzo, Indian Ocean ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Happy Easter!
    The Adventurer moved during the night to anchor off Muiron Island. There was a bit of a breeze and it was choppy so when we arrived at the site for the snorkel we decided to remain on board and watch the action. The boat then ploughed into some steep swell on the way back such that we all got drenched-warm water though so quite refreshing. We also saw a turtle at last, albeit briefly.
    There was a bit of time so Howard gave us a talk on the Montebello Islands that were used for nuclear testing in the 50s and where we are heading tomorrow.
    Another fabulous lunch on deck which included mini Easter eggs and hot cross bun for those who had room.
    The afternoon boat trip was the best yet with calm sea, amazing variety of corals and fish plus bright orange starfish and all sorts of other creatures. The water was a little murky if you went too deep and this was apparently down to the spawning coral triggered by the full moon last week. After the snorkel the Explorer took a cruise to a tiny flat island which had a great selection of birds including pied cormorant, crested and Roseate terns, reef heron, ruddy turnstone, beach stone curlew, lesser noddy and several osprey. All on one tiny island that had a large log washed up on one with everyone saying there isn’t anywhere for miles where trees grow!
    Returning to the ship there was an Easter egg ‘hunt’ and Charlie and Sue decided to cash in their Tasmanian ‘champagne’ as Gold cruisers so we had a very enjoyable pre dinner occasion. Food as ever was excellent shared with a couple from Sydney. All in all a pretty extraordinary day.
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  • Día 15

    Montebello Islands

    1 de abril, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    For the first time there are fluffy clouds in the sky this morning and condensation on the cabin window. These quickly dispersed and the temperature climbed towards 36 degrees C. Breakfast at 8 with 9.15 departure for us Turtles for a cruise around Trimouille Island before landing on the beach. A short climb past turtle nests and some flowering shrubs brought us to the site of a nuclear test in 1956 - on a tower and much larger than anticipated. Vegetation and wildlife has bounced back although our time on the island was limited and we were not permitted to bring anything back. Janet stayed on the Explorer and saw two Perentie lizards on the beach; the largest in Aus. I only saw a dead one on the walk.
    After another excellent lunch during which the Adventurer moved to near Southeast Island where we headed for a beach snorkel. It was hot! The water nearly as warm and the island home to all manor of seabirds. Another amazing variety of fish and crabs around the headland.
    Super meal on the rear deck. Another wonderful day!
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  • Día 16

    Dampier Archipelago

    2 de abril, Indian Ocean ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    A group of 42 islands near the town of Dampier in the Pilbara. Many more ships and rigs on the horizon. We are obliged to anchor further out so as not to interfere with traffic-quite a change.
    This morning some opted for a final snorkel off the Explorer while we went for a beach swim in a sheltered bay on Rosemary Island. There were many shells on the beach and a noticeably larger tide than we’ve been used to. We had a lovely swim, not as warm as the day before but more refreshing. At the shallow end there were some small sting rays the size of dinner plates and sand coloured. On arrival back to the Adventurer we had to hand in our snorkel gear which was a little sad. Tomorrow is a day at sea on the way to Broome. While changing I saw a turtle from the cabin window. Yeah!
    After another gorgeous lunch (at 11.30) we assembled in the Bridge Lounge for a presentation by rangers from the Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation on Cultural Awareness
    Ngayintharri Gumawarni Ngurrangga We all come together for country.
    Some set off for a visit which was predicted (not entirely accurately) to be a long and bumpy crossing and hot on land. We opted to stay on board and did some painting and reading. In fact the trippers got back in little over an hour.
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  • Día 17

    Final day-at sea

    3 de abril, Indian Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Awoke to the ship moving around a bit as we sailed towards Broome our final destination. It affected some, however we tucked in to a hearty breakfast. Then we sat on the aft deck watching the lesser frigatebirds follow the ship effortlessly.
    A couple more presentations Terry on Kelp and its decline in parts and Howard on WW2 and WA. Both v interesting. At 2 Niall ran a quiz: our team adopted Pearls of Wisdom as a name - and we won!!
    A slideshow and captain’s drinks concluded proceedings at sunset before dinner on the aft deck accompanied by Bridal Terns one of which got too close.
    A great end to an amazing cruise.
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  • Día 18

    Arrived in Broome

    4 de abril, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    We docked in Broome 07.30 local time. Watched it all from the bridge. Had a coffee while we waited to disembark where we all said our goodbyes. The coach went on a tour of Broome which is not very large and dropped us off last at Moonlight Apartments. We walked into town while waiting for our apartment to be ready. We’re definitely in the tropics with some lovely flowers, although it is a dry 37 degrees outside. We did coffee in the Dragonfly cafe a small shop in Coles and watched an interesting video in Parspaley pearl shop while waiting for the bus back. Janet decided the merchandise was a little out of the budget range.
    Lunch at the Matso’s brewery opposite of prawns chips and salad, laundry on, pool awaits - what could be more perfect?!
    The apartment is very spacious and well appointed with a view of the pool and Coral Adventurer in the bay - it departs for the Kimberly and Darwin later on Friday.
    We did all our laundry in no time. A dip in the large pool before a walk in the warm to the Little Indian for supper. Friday we hire a car for a little excursion… watch this space…
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  • Día 19

    Broome and Bird Observatory

    5 de abril, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

    On Friday we hired a 4x4 so that we could explore a bit further afield and visit the Broome Bird Observatory. It turned out to be a very hot day 40degrees at one point. The observatory was 15km off the main highway along a dirt road that was only just drying out after the wet season (which by all accounts has been quite dry). The birds viewable from the beach viewing platform were a great variety - inland not quite so numerous. On our way back we called at Cable Beach (famous for sunsets and camel rides) where there are warnings about the crocs. Also visited Gantheaume Pt lighthouse. We also visited the Japanese cemetery set up for the pearl divers who came early 20th century.
    After a refreshing dip in the pool we drove to the Sun Cinema which is partly outside and was showing Ghostbusters. I didn’t get much of it but it was a unique experience. We picked up a Dominos pizza to have back at base.
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  • Día 20

    Anniversary Day

    6 de abril, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    50 years ago my brother Charlie married Sue in Farnham, Surrey. Our whole trip has been celebrating their Golden anniversary and this was their special day. We drove into Broome and had an excellent breakfast at the Dragonfly cafe.
    Next stop the Saturday market in the grounds of the old Courthouse where some excellent purchases were made. Having dropped off the car we took the bus past Cable Beach as far as the Spinifex brewery where we had a sharing platter for lunch.
    After lunch we had time to visit Willy Creek pearl showroom where they had some amazing carp and barramundi in their pool.
    We felt the need to use our pool then! We did though visit the Black Stump gallery across the road which had some impressive works of art including a couple of mixed media that included diamond dust which appealed to Janet in particular.
    Before going out C&S opened the bottle of Moët champagne 2015 which we got in duty free and was a delicious toast to the occasion.
    We got the bus to Wharf where we had the most excellent fish and chips. A great way to end the anniversary day.
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