  • Dag 14

    Less than 24 hours in Prague

    29 december 2019, Tjeckien ⋅ ☀️ 0 °C

    We arrived into Prague at about 2.30 pm by train. Since the hotel was only a ten minute walk, we decided to trundle our suitcases through the cobbled streets and hope for the best!
    Although it was getting dark, we hadn’t had any lunch so we were keen to get out and find some food. Headings to the streets of the old town was interesting -crowds of people everywhere and not much room to move! We were very happy to find a table for two in the window of a restaurant/pub sort of place and took delight in ordering goulash and ribs at 4.30 in the afternoon.
    We had booked an evening guided walk at 6.00 pm so we headed for the meeting place near the Charles Bridge. Our guide was excellent and took us across th bridge and up to the castle via the tram and funicular. We had many fine views of the city by night as we made our way down the hill back to the old town. The guide even helped us get the metro back to our hotel.
    The next morning we walked back to the castle for pre-booked tickets into the castle buildings. The crowds weren’t as bad at 9.00 am. We entered through security bet quickly but as we were leaving the line to get through was very long!
    We left Prague on the train bound for Berlin at 2.30 pm fo a 4 hour journey.
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