  • Jour 16


    14 juillet 2022, Uruguay ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    My flight to Ecuador incldes a 16 hour layover in Montevideo, Uruguay, which is fine by me. I get to explore a new city.

    Landed around 3pm and got through customs and baggage claim and into a taxi in about 15 minutes total. Crazy. Got to my hotel in centro and walked to old town. There's a number of nice old buildings but mostly a mix. Found a mercado by the port that has several restaurants under one roof. It was closing soon so i kept going.

    Went to another mercado close to my hotel and ubered to a 3rd mercado that Simon recommended. It was pretty quiet everywhere. Maybe i was too early but it was cold and rainy too. Shame about the weather because there are beautiful beaches everywhere here but its their winter.

    Then walked to the Simon-recommended Montevideo beer company, which was a mansion turned into a brewery/club. Super nice and fun. Walked more to another beer place but it was closed and so i sat down at a busy place across the street for some food finally.

    I chatted with the guy sitting next to me until his friends showed up. And just as i was about to ask for my bill to go somewhere else, another beer got placed in front of me. And the guys invited me over to try some of their food.

    Decided to order the same dish for myself, and the chef came out to explain something. I didn't really understand but agreed to whatever he was saying. Later the chef came back out to make sure I enjoyed the meal haha. When does that ever happen? Talked to the owner quite a bit too. Super friendly place.

    Slowly making my way towards my hotel, found one more brewery. Made it my last stop after chatting with the bartender and off to bed.
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