• Day 8


    April 4, 2024 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 39 °F

    We started Thursday with a drive from New York north to Yale University. It was a smooth drive as we beat traffic and were leaving the city. Yale was as expected, spectacular. By far our smallest tour, we were one of three families. New driver Emmit successfully navigated New Haven to move the car to come pick us up after our information session was done. The admission representative gave a refreshingly honest presentation on admission to highly competitive schools. The Yale admissions podcast gives great insight into what can be a stressful and confusing process. Early afternoon we made our way north to Boston and found time to check out the public library- WOW- as well as some shopping on Newbury street- zzzz. Early dinner was a hit at La Neta. Tacos, nachos, and guacamole… delish. Our hotel was few cold blocks to the Institute of Contemporary Art. Beautifully situated in the south Harbor area, we utilized the Thursday pm free admission to enjoy several exhibits, most notably multimedia whale exhibit.Read more