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  • Day 406

    Monk novices and the kittens

    February 10, 2018 in Myanmar ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Today I went back to Shwe Yaunghwe Kyaung monastery in the North of Inle Lake - I found the place with its 1000 little buddhas magic and I hoped to take some nice pictures during the late hours of the day before subset.
    Indeed the place looked great with the sun shining through the gates onto the buddhas sitting silently, covered with a red cape in their little pit in the red wall.
    At around 5:00 - 6:00 it was time for the young novice monks to practice their meditation and we just sat with them for a while, listening to them.
    The moment I sat down - with the feet facing away from the buddha (an important etiquette to remember) - a kitten hopped onto my lap, curled itself up and fell asleep.
    A few minutes later my friend joined and just moments later the same situation happened to him. So there we sat - sleeping kittens on our lap, listening to the sound of the young monks voices.
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