Camino De Santiago

mai - juni 2022
Léon to Santiago via the Frances Way Les mer
  • 112fotspor
  • 2land
  • 32dager
  • 745bilder
  • 17videoer
  • 12,0kmiles
  • 11,4kmiles
  • Camino Training

    1. februar 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 41 °F

    Here’s my training regimen that I got from Camino Ways the scheduling service that I engaged for lodging, some food, suitcase transport and a ride from Madrid to Léon. In hind sight it solidly prepared me without over doing and risking injury. I also did Peloton for 2 months prior to promote cardiovascular fitness and Knees Over Toes to strengthen my upper legs.

    Week 1 – walk three days for between 45min and 60 min, Tue Fri and Sun
    Week 2 – walk 4 days, 45 to 60 min, Tue, Thur, Sat, Sun. Core & leg daily with stretch
    Week 3 – walk 4 days 3 at 60 min Tue, Fri, Sat, and Sun walk for 2 hrs
    Week 4 -Walk 3 days up and down hills 60 min, Tue, Fri, and Sun
    Week  5 – 4 days walking. Tue 60 min fast 6km hr, Wed 45 easy, Fri 60 moderate, Sun 2.5 hrs in hills
    Week 6 – try to add a Pilates or yoga class once a week, this will help your back and core.  4 days walking. Tue 60 min fast 6km hr, Wed easy 60 min, Fri fast 60 min 6km hr, Sun 3 hrs in hills with a light backpack, less than 4kg.
    Week 7 – Same as week 6 with 60 or 120 min easy on Wed.
    Week 8 – 4 days walking. Tue moderate 70 min, Thur fast 60 min 6km hr, Sat 2 hrs in hills, Sun 3 hrs in hills with light backpack, less than 4kg
    Week 9 – 4 days walking. Tue and Thu easy 60 min, Sat 2 hrs in hills aim for 4km hr total of 8km, Sun 4 hrs in hills 16km with light backpack, less than 4kg
    Week 10 – Tue easy 60 min, Thu fast 60 min 6 km, Sat 2.5 hrs in hills 10 km, Sunday 5 hrs in hills 20km with light backpack, less than 5kg
    Week 11- Tue easy 45 min, Thu moderate 60 min, Sat easy 3 hrs with backpack aim for 10km, Sun 5hrs with your backpack of about 5/6 kg – aim for 20km.
    Week 12 – Take it easy, Tue fast 60 min, Thu moderate 30 min, Sat 2hrs in hills, Sun 90 min easy in hills – both Sat and Sun with your backpack about 6 kg.
    Les mer

  • Preparations for the Camino

    12. april 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 45 °F

    It’s Wednesday, April 13 just a little bit more than a month to go. I’ve wanted to do the camino DeSantiago after having inspiration from Sam and Chelsea‘s camino De Portuguese And after watching The Way. Previously I had wanted to do the John Muir trail, but it’s a little bit more technical, a little bit more rugged, and a lot more out there, and so it’s a little bit more intimidating. I started preparation by walking back in November and I immediately started to have trouble with my knees. After researching how to strengthen my knees and how to relieve the load on them by choosing footwear and knee braces and hiking poles, Reducing my load, reducing my weight, and altering my hiking style I was able to so far condition without irritating my knees. I’ve been a regular site on our neighborhood streets in our nearby Carkeek Park. I’ve also tried to be consistent in attending the American pilgrims on the camino Puget Sound chapter hikes and meetings which have been a wealth of knowledge and a welcome source of support.

    Since early February I’ve been hiking four days a week and conditioning on the off days. Currently I’ve been hiking about one hour three days a week and then I’m up to about three hours of hiking on the fourth day which is usually Sunday. This is also giving me the opportunity to test out various parts of my kit.
    Les mer

  • Itinerary!

    4. mai 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

    I got my final Itinerary from Camino Ways. I’ve been a little nervous since they had said I would get it 30 days prior to my start. But this year is a extended holy year with many more pilgrims walking that in an average year. So, making arrangements must have been more complex plus there were many accommodations still closed along the route due to Covid-19. So here’s my itinerary which in general is almost exactly what I expected. However, there was one moderate change to the first day on the Camino. Instead of overnighting in Mazarife, I will be 9.3 km further West in Villavante. This effectively shortens my next leg to hospital de Orbijo To only about 3.5 km. I’ll need to decide if I’m going to try to hike the extra 9.6 km. I had already thought to take a taxi from Leon to La Virgen Del Camino because that stretch is only an industrial area and not very scenic. Apparently I will be able to call from a bar in MazaRife for a ride if I need it so it depends on how I feel.Les mer

  • Tuesday stroll, 1 hour

    10. mai 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 55 °F

    Wow! It got really nice! Great easy workout. T minus 9 days and counting. Today is practice pack up.

  • Six days to go.

    13. mai 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 52 °F

    5.47 miles in 2 hrs.
    Today I hiked down to The Puget Sound. I needed to choose a stone for The Cruz Ferro. If you don’t know what that is, you need to watch the movie The Way with Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez. The Spanish word for rock is Piedra, which comes from Peter who was the rock of the church. You carry your rock on the Camino and when you get to the Cruz Ferro you lay your burden down both literally and figuratively. It is a small mountain of rocks with a large pole with an Iron cross (Cruz Ferro) at the top. I also got my scallop shell set up. Thank you Michelle Fitzgerald. The scallop shell was used to prove that the pilgrim reached Finisterra….the end of the Earth. It is said that when St. James’ remains appeared on the Galician shore, it was covered in scallop shell. It is the symbol of the Camino Pilgrim and of the Camino. Anyone harassing a pilgrim displaying the scallop shell is excommunicated by Papal decree.

    It comes from near an ancient oyster pen kept in The Puget Sound by the Duwamish First Nation. This nation freely welcomed and supported white settlers to the area, but has never been recognized by the US government. Seattle is named for the Chief who decreed the welcoming and support. I pray the federal government will right this obvious wrong and carry my rock and their burden to Cruz Ferro.

    It’s is common to wish a peregrino “Buen Camino”.
    Buen Camino in Lushootseed is “haʔɬ sʔibəš” pronounced “Ha_LL Ts Aybash”
    Les mer

  • T minus 3 days

    16. mai 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 54 °F

    Hilly 5.6 miles up and down the Broadview hills in about 2 hrs. 15 min.
    In entering Spain, you must be vaccinated. You prove this by carrying your vaccination card and by completing a health form that links your identity, flight, passport and vaccination card. When you do this Spain sends you a QR code to show them when you land. So lots of little check lists.Les mer

  • Packing!

    18. mai 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

    Woke up at 4:30 worrying about packing.

    I’m using Trello to manage my various checklists: DayPack (gear I’ll be carrying daily), Rollerbag (clothing, athletic recovery stuff, pharmacy (I took pictures of labels and prescriptions, and each med is in a ziplock), what I’m wearing, electronic document copies, security pouch, and a shoulder bag. Even now, debating on bringing a light summer sleeping bag. I have a silk liner as a barrier for bed bugs (yes). I got a Cotopaxi shoulder bag: it has shoulder straps, but they can be stowed, and compartments. My larger day bag just was too large and too many straps, my Kavu shoulder bag was too odd shaped to get my iPad in. Even now, debating on bringing a light summer sleeping bag. I have a silk liner as a barrier for bed bugs (yes). The whole process is that bane of the Boy Scout: you have it drilled into you to Be Prepared, but if you carry too much, you run the risk of being exhausted on the trail (which can lead to injury) and/or incurring a weight charge for portage. I think I will make a tip of the hat to the sentiment, “The Camino will provide” and leave the sleeping bag. Poor Matt was down with something and could not make it to dinner last night.

    Hope I can sleep!

    The whole process Kind of feels like this:

    I kinda wanna know what the heck is up with the hunting horns…lol

    I have a massage with Meghan Davenport, then pick up and cleaning. Mowed the lawn yesterday and showed Peggy how it works. Also showed her the new hose fittings.
    Les mer

  • Dag 1


    19. mai 2022, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 45 °F

    ““When you see someone putting on his Big Boots, you can be pretty sure that an Adventure is going to happen.”
    ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

    “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
    - J.RR. Tolkien

    Do be sure to turn up the volume
    Feels like this:

    Looks like this
    Les mer

  • Dag 1

    Connecting in Charlotte

    19. mai 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

    There are rocking chairs in the corridors of the airport and a line waiting to be seated in them. It’s been so long since I traveled across the country. I had forgotten how generally unpleasant it is. Maybe it’s because I wore a mask. Definitely in the minority….maybe 1-2%Les mer

  • Dag 2

    We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto!

    20. mai 2022, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

    Peg woke up at zero dark thirty and got me down to SeaTac. Headed off losing my luggage in Charlotte by asking why my baggage claim didn’t say Madrid! Made it to gate D 18 before realizing I wanted D2. There’s a little Starbucks above a lower terminal in the D wing that was entirely deserted at 5 am, so I had a nice quiet breakfast sandwich without a mask. Going to say I was in the 2% of people who were masked, less in CharlotteBoy it was nice to be only sitting 2-4-2 across in Premium Economy, rather than 3-6-3 in coach. Madrid airport makes any airport in the US seem tiny. It serves incoming flights from Africa, South America, Europe and North America. Mistake número uno….I should have budgeted a few days in Madrid. Besides obviously missing the Capitol of Spain it would have also buffered a late flight, but I was entirely on time. A mile at least of linear moving sidewalk, made it to a bathroom, then four long escalators to an underground train, then up three long escalators, to a Disney maze into passport control, past the four heavily armed soldiers, down two escalators, another maze to Sanitation control to check my Spain issued QR code/health form, had it pointed out that my vaccination card was not EU (which was in the QR code), another maze to a nurse who glanced at my vaccine card in the most cursory way and passed me to baggage claim. Each maze had 20-30 Spanish ladies to keep you headed in the right direction or down the correctly colored line. Got my bag and found my first Spanish amigo, Hector. Hector lives in Léon, but drives his Prius taxi to Madrid. Wow if you want to have a total crack up, watch two guys, neither of whom really speaks the others language try to have conversation during a four and a half drive at 120 km/hr on a windy 2 lane highway racing huge trucks and the odd BMW. Hector has agreed to drive me on Domingo (had to look it up) through the icky side of industrial Léon to a much nicer start in La Virgen. The last hour and a half was through the vaunted Meseta a vast stretch of wheat fields and A LOT of enormous windmills. My impression overall was very similar to driving around Davis or the Northern Sacramento Valley. Large swathes of some purple flower and I lucked out…the poppies are blooming everywhere like mad and they are generally redder than ours.

    I had enough energy to try to walk accidentally happened upon the cathedral and found the Wise Pilgrim recommended Four Lions brewpub in search for the local wheat beer called zerep. Unfortunately they didn’t have very much in terms of a selection I chose an IPA since most of the others were a more common large distribution brand. I got pan y jamón as an included tapas. A lady started choking and I was able to help a little. On the way back I got talked into a tapas and wine dinner by Ishmael and Tyrep (from Turkey)
    Les mer