Weergeven op kaart
  • Dag 27–28

    Estancia Rio Cajón 🌧️

    8 maart, Chili ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

    A horror day! Very heavy rain overnight made us very grateful of our refugio & warm fire, and it continued all morning. Great breakfast of home grown eggs (the chicken were literally running outside the windows) and bread made by our host and we were very tempted to stay for the day in our cosy cabin. It looked like it was brightening up so with 80km to go to Cerro Castillo, we made a dash for it … but we were very wrong and got soaked, really soaked. At 30km Izzy’s brake rotor broke off and with a lot of downhill & rain to come we managed to flag down some friendly Argentinians to give her a lift the rest of the way. Hannah and George made it a further 10km to the next refugio and with a welcoming wood fired aga there called it a day.

    Fancy 3 course dinner on georges bday eve cooked
    Starter: mash potato (powered obv) topped with half an onion left by a previous camper
    Main: ramen, dried veg and topped with 2 fried eggs
    Dessert: plan was chocolate milo, but we settled for the rest of the litre of boxed wine the gaucho gave us as we were quite full
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