  • День 72

    Sunshine finally!

    14 ноября 2016 г., Словакия ⋅ ☀️ -1 °C

    It has been so foggy and rainy and yesterday we finally had a break in the weather-Sunshine-yippee. Saturday I went to the movies and saw the movie Snowden which was great. Sunday morning my cousin Zdenko turned on the stove in the morning and activated the drying process of the super chillies in the oven. We were all coughing and barely breathing with the amount of capsicum that was in the air. I now know what bear spray is all about. It was an awful feeling. All the windows were opened and the chillies were quickly wrapped up and throw into the trash. Zdenko dropped me off close to my aunts and I went for a nice long walk by myself in the beautiful sunshine. Haven't been walking as much as I should be. I had Sunday lunch at my aunts which consisted of duck, cabbage, dumplings and apple strudel. After lunch we went to a shopping mall which I would never have guessed because it certainly did not look like a shopping mall with my aunts friend Milka(yes just like the chocolate). She is going to check into tickets to see the ballet "Giselle" for me. I hope they are not too expensive because I really want to go. I booked my flight back to Dublin for the 6th of December and will be catching the bus from the airport to Galway. I plan on spending at least five days there and then heading south. My flight-35 euros from Bratislava to Dublin. So incredibly cheap to fly in Europe.Читать далее