  • Dag 6

    Friday - Nuremberg!

    19. august 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    So somehow we managed to wake up at some ridiculously early hour on Friday morning to catch the five hour train to Nuremberg. Very comfortable, even though we were pretty much zombies at this point. (*TESSA* I risked my guts by ordering a dish from a german menu without knowing what it would be and a dumpling soup arrived. I was so happy!) We also enjoyed sharing our cabin with a couple of dogs, as it's common for people to bring their dogs on the train (which is legal too).

    Our hotel was a very short distance from the train station (and there is also a pub downstairs (*T* the cutest pub ever!!) which we took advantage of later). After a short time settling in, we did a walking tour of Nuremberg. It is a beautiful, picturesque city and Tessa couldn't keep the smile off her face the entire time. (*T* so much beauty, so much learning, so much frankonian pride and so many sausages - how could I be unhappy?!) We grabbed some beers and local Fraconian wines as well as the local speciality Rostbratwurst, small sausages served in threes.

    Following some shopping (*T* hellas yes, I bought a freaking amazing jacket) and a late three hour nap (in which we slept through our alarms), we headed downstairs to our hotel's pub for drinks and more meat than you could shack a stick at (*T* and gravy, sticky dumplings, etc. The highlight was a slow cooked peppered steak a lot like brisket. Let's face it, I'm here for the food). I had my first litre of beer of the trip, which will hopefully not be my last.
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