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    • Day 42

      Es geht los

      April 7, 2023 in Germany

      Nun geht es wirklich los.

      Wir haben alles erledigt, von neuen Brillen - damit wir alles schön scharf sehen - bis hin zum Kundendienst oder auch die Ausstellung des internationalen Führerscheins.

      Seit heute morgen ist auch das Frachtschiff mit Willi unterwegs und wird am 20.4. nun in Halifax erwartet.

      Einen Termin zum abholen haben wir dann auch schon bekommen.

      Jetzt müssen nur noch wir uns auf den Weg machen.

      Am Ostermontag ist es für uns dann soweit: Take off von München Airport mit Ziel Toronto.

      Inzwischen verbringen wir noch eine schöne Zeit mit Freunden im Großraum Nürnberg.
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    • Day 5

      Walking Nuremberg in a flurry of snow

      February 25, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 2 °C

      We checked out of the hotel early today ready for our 9.18am fast train to Nuremberg. It's a popular route, with 50 trains a day making the 160km journey.

      We arrived in Nuremberg at 10.25am, and was surprised at how few people were on the streets. Turns out shops don't open until 11am on Saturday, so the streets were almost deserted.

      We spent the day walking around the old town, inside and along the city walls, a medieval defense constructed between 11th and 16th centuries. Approximately 4km of the original 5km are still standing.

      The old town is full of beautiful buildings, churches and squares - looking around you would never know that 90% of the old town was destroyed in one day by Allied bombers in 1945.

      It snowed off and on for most of the day, so we stopped a number of times for coffee, snacks and a long lunch!
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    • Day 5–6

      Von Beilngries nach Nürnberg

      September 4, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück fahren wir weiter den Main - Donau Kanal entlang. Zu Beginn sehen wir noch einen Lastenkahn neben und dahintuckern, doch spätestens nach der ersten stillgelegten Schleuse ist es mit der Schifffahrt vorbei. Von den mehr als 100 Schleusen, ist nur noch eine einzige in Betrieb, die auch nur zu Nostalgiezwecken touristisch genutzt wird.

      Doch wir genießen die heutige Fahrt. Der Kanal wird von unzähligen Eichen und Apfelbäumen gesäumt, erstere spenden uns einen kühlenden Schatten, während wir in die Pedale treten. Die ganze Fahrt verspüren wir die Ruhe, die die idyllische Landschaft auf uns wirken lässt.

      In Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz kehren wir auf einen Kaffee und eine Erfrischung ein, und bei Schleuse 35, die natürlich auch stillgelegt ist, machen wir Mittagspause bei Bratwurst und Wurstsalat. 😋

      Kurz vor Nürnberg verlassen wir den Kanal und schlängeln uns etwas mühsam Richtung Hauptbahnhof, wo wir in unser heutiges Hotel einchecken.

      Nach der erfrischenden Dusche schlendern wir durch die Altstadt, hier verlässt uns Martina etwas überstürzt, die nun die dieselben Probleme hat wie Gerhard vorgestern. 😢
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    • Day 19


      October 7, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today we drove to Nuremberg. The first pic is of the train station. We then visited the Nazi Party Rally grounds where the military would parade in front of Hitler. It’s been very interesting to see how the German people openly discuss the Nazi time period and want to be sure that people understand it, so something so horrible never happens again.
      I really wanted to visit the courtroom where the Nuremberg trials took place. We had an English speaking guide who really helped us understand how the trials happened. Pic 2 is of the courthouse. This courthouse was chosen because it was in the American sector of Germany and it was one of the few courthouses still standing after the war. Nuremberg was heavily bombed but because the courthouse wasn’t in the middle of the city, it escaped. The last reason Nuremberg was chosen for the trials was because a jail was attached to the courthouse. They didn’t want to transport the 23 defendants and maybe have them escape. They had to walk from the jail directly to the courtroom. Pic 6 is of the inside of the courtroom. It isn’t very big. There were 23 defendants, each with 2 attorneys, there were translators, stenographers, reporters, people filming the whole trial, 2 judges from each of the 4 allied countries, Russia, England, France and the US and the prosecutor was from the US Supreme Court. During the first meeting of the judges, the Russians said, “They’re all guilty, let’s just kill them”. The English and French agreed but the American judges said, “No, we have to look at the evidence and hold a trial”. The trial lasted 11 months. 12 defendants were found guilty and were hanged shortly thereafter. 7 went to prison, 3 were found not guilty but when tried in the German courts they were found guilty, and one committed suicide with a cyanide pill his attorney gave him.
      After the courthouse we needed to do something “lighter” so we went to an area of town that has a lot of crafts. Pic 3 is of the entrance into the old town where these shops were. Pic 4 is of the area. Pic 5 is lunchtime! 6 little bratwurst, and potato salad. Simple but yummy. At the end of the day Olivia caught a train back to Bayreuth and Davor and I continued our trip to the Regensburg area to visit his sister and brother in law.

      Highlight of the day: Visiting courtroom 600 where the Nuremberg Trials took place
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    • Day 8

      Nürnberg Hauptbahnhof

      November 9, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Aansluitende trein naar Essen niet gehaald… nu via Hannover en Rheine naar Meppen! En om dezelfde tijd aankomen 😏

      Nog even kort eraan gedacht om aan de andere kant van het spoor weer in te stappen 🤪

    • Day 4

      A Week in Nuremberg

      January 14, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 32 °F

      Arrived in Nuremberg, checked into the Karl August Hotel and walked to an amazing Italian restaurant for dinner. After dinner we came back to the hotel and went to the Sauna for a bit.

      Day 2- Klaus worked today and I was lazy and relaxed. I finally got moving and had dinner at a cute wine bar. When Klaus got back to the hotel we went to a cute bar and had a glass of wine, a Sarti Spritz (It’s a take on an aperol but with a liquor called Sarti) and a cheese plate with the most delicious fig and horseradish jelly. Off to bed, Klaus has an early morning.

      Day3- Klaus went to work for the day, I froze my butt off and walked around. Klaus got back and we had dinner at an Indian restaurant, not normally something we would choose but the food was great!

      Day 4- Klaus was up early again for work and I was slow to get moving 😂😂. Once again I walked around the charming town freezing my butt off with the rain snow mix. Did a little shopping and met Klaus back at the hotel. Tonight we walked to greek restaurant with once again amazing food. Unfortunately we ordered a grilled platter and I was unaware that the entire thing was pork 😂😂😂😂 needless to say they were quick to remedy the situation and got me a plate of grilled lamb so yummy!!!! Ended the evening at the hotel bar with an aperol and espresso martini.

      Day 5- We woke up and were supposed to drive to Stuttgart then Munich but Klaus is sick again with the never ending cough. Grabbed some cough drops, a cappuccino and a cake called bienenstich. (one of his grandmas favorites) 🍰 We drove to Munich did a little shopping and ended up at the doctors hoping to get medicine to control the cough on the 12 hour flight tomorrow. Checked into the Hilton at the Airport grabbed a little dinner and rearranged the suitcases, we will only be taking carry-ons for the Asia trip. The larger suitcases will be stored at the airport until we return for our flight home to USA. Super excited to ditch the cold, bring on the heat and sunshine. ☀️

      Day 6- I unfortunately have the cough also. 😞😞 Barely slept, loaded up on medicine and made it to the lounge for a mimosa before our flight. ✈️
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    • Day 3


      May 7, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Bavarian meal and beer made on site. Kerry asked for lemonade and got a cherry we asked the waiter again for lemonade but we said clear not red...then he said oh you mean lemony lemonade 🙂

    • Day 3

      Rustdag tussen Neurenberg en Klagenfurt

      August 25, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      De dag begon met een rondleiding van onze vriend Jan Depner in de kerk waar hij predikant is: de Lorenzkerk. Een van de oudste kerken van de stad met veel symboliek en prachtig snij- en beeldhouwwerk En niet te vergeten: 4 orgels die vanaf 1 speeltafel bespeeld kunnen worden.

      De dominee leidde de dienst onder een eeuwenoude regenboog.
      Je moest wel aardig bedreven zijn in de kerkelijke gewoonten om alles te kunnen bijhouden. Maar het kring-Avondmaal in een kerk waarin zij, die ons zijn voorgegaan als het ware om ons heen zweefden, was ontroerend mooi.

      Een heel andere rust kregen we in de trein naar Oostenrijk. Heel kort na de dienst moesten we al weg vanwege de vele vertragingen in Duitsland. We kregen een ideale 1e klas coupé waar we met z'n tweeën de lange reis alleen konden zitten en liggen.
      Zo werd het toch nog een echte rustdag, terwijl de prachtige landschappen van Duitsland en Oostenrijk aan ons voorbijtrokken. We kwamen weer langs het Gasteinertal waar we paar jaar geleden vakantie hadden gevierd.

      Na vele uren kwamen we in Klagenfurt aan en konden we heel gemakkelijk vlak bij het station ons Bed en Breakfast vinden. We zien ernaar uit om morgen te beginnen met onze vakantie in het naburige Keutschach.
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    • Day 77

      Way of Human Rights?

      November 19, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Who decided what is and is not a human right?

      Why are human rights not implemented and protected by the state rather than remedied by individual action?

      Article 25:
      Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance.

      Rights have to be an objective, just like economic growth 📈
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    • Day 9

      Nūrenberg. Arrival

      August 12, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Fraai Hbf net als op veel andere locaties al hebben we onderweg ook ruïnes gezien. Tot grote hoogte gestegen ook: 14e etage rooftopbar.. Mooi uitzicht al waren foto's lastig fraai te verkrijgen.
      Een illusie rijker...Read more

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