  • Dia 28


    26 de maio de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    1. Understand Currency of countries.
    2. Look into transportation from A to B.
    3. If possible book bus, train and plane reservations
    before travel. (Keep in mind some will not show.
    May need to wait a month before travel.
    4. Travel Light (if possible)
    5. Always arrive at least 2 hours earlier for train, bus
    or Airlines.
    6. Buy small souveniers. Ship larger and fragile
    7. Take currency of money being used or use credit
    card for larger purchases.

    1. Use clothing cubes for packing. (Keeps you
    organized and easy to find items)
    2. Use soaps, shampoos, conditioners from hotels to
    keep weight down in suitcase.
    3. Use document holder for your Passports.
    4. Use a folder for your itineraries, plane tickets,
    tours. (Mine was seperated by country)
    5. Make a list of the places you want to see and
    their hours.
    6. If possible, purchase tickets of tours ahead
    especially if they are on your "MUST SEE" list.
    7. When reserving your hotel ask if they offer tours
    from their hotel. We were able to buy our tickets
    for the Sound of Music tour and obtain our tickets
    at the same time we checked in. Pick-up was
    available as well.
    8. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
    9. Get a MASSAGE somewhere along your trip❣
    10. Schedule your time. Don't RUSH. Enjoy!

    What We Loved about our Trip:
    1. Weather was perfect 98% of the time.
    2. We were there before TOURIST SEASON really hit.
    3. It was nice and GREEN.
    4. People were very nice and welcoming.
    5. Food, Wine and Beer.
    6. You can use as much water as you want.
    7. Hotels we stayed at were CLEAN.
    8. We were within walking distance for most of
    the sights we wanted to see.
    9. We loved trying new foods.
    10. Loved we could drink and had transportation.
    11. Enjoyed renting a car and driving in Germany.
    12. In each hotel we had our OWN Bathroom.
    13. There were STARBUCKS is all the countries
    except Italy.
    14. NO DELAYS in transportation.
    15. We were gone 23 days instead of the 10 we
    originally were going to take. 😉
    16. That SALZBURG is still as Beautiful and still
    my favorite.
    17. All the BREAD
    18. The tasty CHOCOLATE
    19. Foods are Healthier.
    20. Clean, Fresh air.

    What we didn't like so much on our vacation:
    1. The Toilet Paper. (Mary)
    2. The Pillows (John)
    3. Not having an elevator at one of our hotels.
    4. The organization of tours at the Vatican.
    5. The trash around some streets in Rome.
    6. Munich, Germany
    7. Graffiti. But that's just part of being a
    8. Having to pay to use the TOILET. EVERYWHERE.
    They call them WC or Toilets instead of
    bathrooms. But they still understand. They are
    always clean.
    9. Bathrooms were always downstairs.
    10. No Refills on drinks. A lot of the PLACES.
    (Luckily BEER is inexpensive)

    Marys Favorite Places:
    1. Salzburg, Austria
    2. Prague, Czech Republic
    3. Krakow, Poland

    John's Favorite Places:
    1. Italy. (Tuscany & Amalfi)
    2. Krakow, Poland
    3. Copenhagen, Denmark
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