  • Dag 88

    Iguazu falls

    24 februari 2016, Brasilien ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    The bus journey yesterday took 12 hours so by the time we arrived we went straight to bed and arose early this morning to make the journey to Iguazu falls. You can see the falls from both sides but today we will do the Argentinian side. We head to the bus terminal and ask a lady if the bus from here will stop at the border, she is adamant it doesn't and this is an issue as if you don't get a stamp the fines are huge, luckily a Brazilian couple are also heading over there and for 4 people it is just as cheap to do it by taxi. We pass through passport control, arrive at the park and arrange to meet the couple back at the entrance at 4pm. There are various treks to do and we head for the superior one first as this is the longest. The trek takes around 3 hrs and as you walk through there are butterflies everywhere as well as hundreds of Coites (similar to a racoon) this trail takes you through the middle of the waterfalls , and brings you back to the beginning of the inferior trail. Although called the inferior trail this trail seems harder even though shorter and gives you the opportunity to look up at the waterfalls. The trail once again brings you back to the start and the finale is heading up on a little steam train to Devils Throat. As we arrive on the train you can hear the waterfall from the distance and we put on our Macs as we know we are going to get very wet. There is a small trek of 20 mins before we arrive at the most breathtaking thing I have ever seen. The noise of thousands of litres of water crashing into the abyss below the spray and the view is something that will stay with me all my life. This spectacle of mother nature easily earns it spot as one of the new seven wonders of the world.Läs mer