  • Dia 213

    Big Rain

    28 de junho de 2016, Brasil ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    We wake and take breakfast and i enquire in reception about a quad. We got a price in town yesterday but here is cheaper, so he calls the company and a young girl comes out and gives me instructions for riding the quad. Mark is not in the bestt of moods after the football yesterday and as we make our way to fill up with gasoline hes shouting at me for my driving .... go slower go faster watch that bump... The more he nags the more i aim for the pot holes. Filled up with gas we set off, but they have had so much rain here its difficult to avoid the puddles and half way through the journey Mark demands i stop and that hes walking back. We have a heart to heart on the side of the road with people stopping to ask if weve run out of petrol. We make our peace and Mark gets back on (im sure hes just sulking because he cant drive)
    Just 5 mins into the journey and it starts to rain, not just little rain but tropical rain. We try parking underneath a tree to take some shelter but we are both soaked so we push on until we reach Taipu De Fora. We arrive here soaked to the skin and park up the quad and make a run for the nearest shelter which surprise surprise is a bar. We order a beer as the barman just laughs at us. We really are a sight. Just the one beer here as its well expensive and within 20 mins the sun is back out. We walk along this idyllic beach and its hard to believe that this is the last week of 6 months away. As we walk along the beach we spot a fish struggling on the beach so he trys to pick it up to put it back in the water but just cant get hold of it a guy walks along and we get chatting to a Canadian who has lived here for over 30 years who picks the fish up and tosses it into the sea. We chat with the Canadian for 20 minutes or so before recommending a place for us to eat just 100 yards up the road, he walks along with us and although the place looks like is closed he shouts the woman who runs down and throws the doors open. Mark orders the octupus which looks delicious but im unable to eat, my stomach is all over the place. Dinner eaten and we sit patiently waiting for the rain to die down just as we think its stopped it hammers down again so we take the resolve to just grin and bear it. We jump on the quad and make the long journey(well 30 minutes but it seems longer ) back to base. I drop everything so i can get in the shower first, im covered in mud where the quad has splashed through the puddles, or should i say lakes? Washed we sit out on the front laying in my hammock just chilling for a few hours before heading for something to eat. Because its low season there is very little open , but we find a nice little place and order. I can literally only eat half of mine, so Mark finishes mine off and he takes the other half of his pizza back for supper. Im glad just to get into my bed and fall straight asleep.
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