  • День 712

    Out at Sea

    9 ноября 2017 г., Сент-Люсия ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    So I wake this morning and the view as I step onto the balcony never ceases to amaze me. I feel so much better and shower and dress before heading down with Judy to have my morning brew with the office staff. We head out on the bus at 10 to catch the boat from the harbour and sit up front while Captain Kurt drives us to pigeon island. On route my hat blows off and although we turn around to find it we can’t see it anywhere. I have another one at the house so I tell him to carry on. We arrive at the island and take a small trek up to the fort at the top. You can see for miles and even Martanique in the distance. We walk back down and after a quick swim it’s time for lunch. The picnic supplied is sublime and after a good munch I’m back in the sea for a refreshing dip before our tour of the rest of the island. Were shown the houses of all the celebs before anchoring off to do some snorkelling . We head for home It’s been an amazing boat trip and just when I think that I couldn’t smile anymore we are surrounded by pods of dolphins 🐬 the babies frolicking in the sea jumping and diving they swim around the boat curving the bow as we dangle our legs over the side as they play beneath us. There are multiple pods and two different species with the youngsters being the most playful. The boat brings us back into harbour and we disembark back to the hotel. While Judy heads back to the office im left in charge of ordering drinks so 2 James Bond martini 🍸 it is. They are like rocket fuel then Judy orders a bottle of prosecco. Phil and Lorna join us for the sunset and we head back to the ridge. We have dinner and as I go outside the stars are amazing shortly after there is a power cut. With no light pollution whatsoever Judy and I cuddle up in fluffy blankets and fall asleep under the stars what a perfect end to a perfect day with a perfect friend.Читать далее