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  • Day 2,303

    Things that go bump in the night

    March 19, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    At 3am I hear a terrible noise and when I sit up I see Hams hammock has collapsed and he's lay on the floor. Mr Chart is laughing his head off and I don't know whether that's the amount of whisky he's drunk or because he teased Ham earlier in the night it wouldn't stay up for 5 mins. Its the most uncomfortable nights sleep I've had yet and it takes me another hour to drift back off. We all wake at about 8am an the guides are nowhere to be seen and have left a pot of leaf tea on the fire but I wake up and have the worst stomach and have to find somewhere very near by to take a number 2 I climb an embankment and crouch down but struggle to keep my stance very nearly falling in my own runny mess. Trust me jungle trekking is not for the faint hearted. Back to camp and Mr Chart and Ham are back carrying the essentials for this morning including fresh water. We sit and chat with Mr Chart about his life and he explains how in his generation people dont get to have sex unless their married. I also ask him how he feels about the different areas in Thailand and he says he wouldn't want to be anywhere but his village. I love the fact he appreciates everything that he has and how he is so In touch with nature. The boys have made porridge in the pot of water that's been boiling away and we put the oats in and make porridge and to be honest it sorts me right out. We enjoy things like cutting bamboo and having a go with the slingshot but I'm in absolutely in awe when both Mr Chart and Ham both hit the bottle first time. They are definitely jungle boys. Brunch is cooked which is barbecued pork, noodles and rice and after the porridge I'm still quite hungry so have a full belly by the time we come to leave. Aron once again helps with a little of my weight and its only a short trek back to Mr Charts and his wife has cooked lunch for us although im still full from breakfast. I enjoy my first shower in 3 days and feel like a new woman before Josh and Ryan pack up and it was my plan to go with them to Chang Dau but Aron is staying on a night and it's so beautiful I decide to do the same. We sit all afternoon and reminisce over the past few days each remembering different aspects of the incredible time we've had. I'm grateful to Aron for inviting me on this journey that his cousin did with the same guide 6 yrs ago because I'm sure it wouldn't have been as good if I'd taken myself to Chaing Mai. Mr Chart takes himself to bed and I'm in need of cigarettes and a coca cola. We set off for the shop but they have no cigarettes so the coke will do for now. Later in the afternoon Ham returns and offers to take me to the shop on his bike and i have a little chuckle to myself when i get on and he hot wires it. In the evening we enjoy dinner with the family and after some chatting hit the sack. I am so grateful to be in a comfy ish bed.Read more