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  • Day 2,413

    Its all about the pain

    July 7, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    The pain of my tooth has caused me more issues this trip than anything else and when I set off early this morning I've already made the decision I'm having it taken out. I get a grab that drops me outside the clinic. I take his number and arrange if I'm not to long I will call him to take me back. The clinic actually says Dr Boo and when I get to reception they look a little confused but they take my documents and book me in with a ticket like you would get at the Tesco meat counter. The clinic is really busy and there are 10 people in front of me but I take a seat and wait patiently. Shortly afterwards my phone rings and it's the dentist I spoke to yesterday asking where I am. I tell her I'm in the clinic and she says I can't be then explains I'm in the wrong place. Luckily it's only 100m to her clinic and when I arrive I get seen immediately. I'm still traumatized from my experience in Ipoh but after a lot of reassuring and a couple of injections the tooth is out. Luckily the grab driver is still local and I'm home within the hour. I take myself straight back to bed as I feel like I've been hit by a train. Later in the afternoon Bobby drops by some essentials and asks if I want to take a short walk on the beach. It's funny how just getting up makes me feel a little better but the injection has worn off so I pop a pain killer and head out for the walk. He takes me to a place I haven't been before which brings us to the jetty at the other end of the beach. We take a break before making the walk back and Bobby suggests grabbing pizza and sitting on the beach to eat it. I actually really enjoy it even though pizza is not my favourite. We take a slow walk back and even indulge in an ice cream on the way. I chill out in my room for the rest of the evening watching Netflix as I have a hectic few days ahead and need to be fully recovered.Read more