traveled in 29 countries Read more Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • Day 2,486

    Im coming home

    September 18, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    After a good night sleep I wake fresh in the morning and determined that I will book my flight home. Once again Lucky lends me her laptop and within an hour I'm booked. It's not the easiest of flights as I have to get from Langkawi to Kl, Kl to Singapore, to Helsinki to Manchester. I also have to book my airport assistance for each flight as I'm flying with different airlines. I'm also helped out by my wonderful friend Nilo who offers to pick up my rucksack from James pad and meet me at the airport for lunch before I fly onwards. This saves me a massive amount of stress and I'm so grateful to have people that bend over backwards to help me out. When I come outside Lucky plays the song "I'm coming home" and I burst into tears. My emotions are all over the place and as I'm so happy to be going there is also a twinge of dissapointment that the journey has come to an end a lot earlier than expected. I have a few emails to send and a bit of paperwork to fill in but in the afternoon I just chill as all the emotions have zapped my energy. I once again have a little siesta and have learnt over the past few days I can't keep pushing myself like I'm used to and need to listen to my body a bit more. In the evening I head to rainbow and enjoy a few drinks with the locals before getting a grab back to the room. Lucky is at the room watching a film I'd mentioned in the afternoon to her. "Who will love my children "I start to watch but within minutes I'm out like a light.Read more

  • Day 2,485


    September 17, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    This morning I wake with a positive mood, my friend James is flying to Paris on the 22nd so he's offered to help me that far but when I try and book the flight it sends me round in circles but when I try and complete it says this flight is no longer available. After 2 hours of trying to book I decide to leave it and head to Raos for breakfast. I have my usual Tose and brew coffee and spend a few hours catching up with people that drift in and out for their breakfast and lunch. This morning I hear the sound of the hornbill but I'm not in the position to run round looking for it these days. I carry on with the flight hunt in here but someone tells me I might be better off looking on a laptop in a different location. The restaurant gets busy as today there's been a foldable bike race here. They all come in in there Spandex and Lycra When I get back to the room I borrow luckys laptop but even this proves impossible I even make a payment and it processes but it doesn't process the ticket and receive a page that's says there's been a problem processing. I get invited out for dinner this evening with Ijan and Othman. It's so nice catching up with these 2 guys. We head to lot 33 and enjoy food and a few drinks enjoying the live music before the boys drop me back.Read more

  • Day 2,484

    Hospital revisited

    September 16, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    This morning I wake with terrible pain in my leg and I've barely slept. When I get out of my room Nanda comes over to see if I'm ok and I burst into tears saying I just want to go home. He asks me what the problem is and he says don't worry I take you to the hospital and let's get a second opinion. After taking a shower Nanda kindly drops me to the hospital which is highly recommended by a lot of my friends here on the island. It is a 25 minute drive but when we arrive there is literally noone in there and the buzzer goes off and it's my turn. I'm still very emotional and I ask the doctor about flying home he advises another 2 weeks but if I'm so miserable I can fly with exercise on the plane. In the afternoon I speak with my friend Jay where I've left my big rucksack and he suggests he may fly to Paris next week and could help me to fly home. I also have an offer to fly from Langkawi to kl with my other friend Nilo. In the afternoon Lucky visits and suggests she will go for a shower and massage and will return later. She returns with a bottle of wine and we order food. It's so nice to have some female company. As anyone that knows me , knows how I like my little sayings and Lucky tells me how her grandmother would say that most of the things that come out of a body aren't very nice, like urine,blood spit and shit and the only place where nice things can come out of is your mouth so always say nice things. I retire to bed and fall straight to sleep.Read more

  • Day 2,483

    Brick wall

    September 15, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    I get up this morning trying my best to start the day as I mean to go on with a positive note. I need to get a grip, I've only broken my ankle, not lost a limb. Everyone here is so helpful that I really can't worry about anything but it's my stubbornness that gets in the way. I have plans this afternoon to have lunch with Nilo, and she kindly offers to pick me up. In advance I paint my nails as I'm grateful for every little thing that picks my mood up. Yvonne' mum is coming out with us today and it's nice to eventually meet her but I feel sorry for Nilo who has to take charge of 2 women on sticks. We enjoy dinner at our favourite fried chicken restaurant before she kindly drops me back with the offer that if I need anything to just call. I've gotten into a little habit of having a granny nap and it does seem to be helping as the littlest outing takes so much energy. I spend the rest of my evening touching base with home. It always helps. This past week has been the toughest of my 9+ month travel and although it's affecting me hugely I am still very blessed and proud in the fact I've gotten this far. It's been life changing but has definitely made me realise what makes me happy. Thanks to all the people I've met along the way that have joined parts of my travels and a huge shout to the people who are still drifting in and out. I have a beer but I'm really not in a drinking mood so take myself to bed to try and get a good sleep.Read more

  • Day 2,482

    Fed up

    September 14, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Once again I wake deflated but I get myself up and into the shower. I have bruises on both arms from where I was pushing the wheelchair yesterday so the thought adventuring out today it's definitely not on the things to do list. The one positive is being able to take a shower and a hot one at that. Once I'm up and about I do feel better and after my regular coffee and cigarettes set to the task of sending off my insurance documents and receipts. I also received an invitation to do an online assessment with trailfinders. I'm really excited at an opportunity to work with them as I think it's something I would get a lot of job satisfaction from. Things are looking up. I order fajitas for lunch but there is loads left so I put it in the fridge as I've been invited for dinner with Nanda and Winnie tonight. We share curry and fish a little later they are going to wundabar but I've already set my alarm to watch the Queens procession. It's one of the first things I've actually watched since she's passed. I watch for a good few hours, sad that I'm missing this monumental moment before taking myself to bed.Read more

  • Day 2,481

    Gigolo stance

    September 13, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    I'm really struggling with my positivity these past few days. I really just want to be home but my foot is still really swollen and until I get the go ahead from the doctor in 2.5 weeks I'm unable to fly long haul so I guess I should accept this and try and make the most of my final part of my trip. I get a shower and immediately feel better. The plan is to go out today independently but the rain starts at 9 and doesn't finish till 1. I order a pizza as the crew have gone to Kuah and won't be back till early afternoon. I need a few bits of shopping and Rick kindly pushes me to the main road on Pantai Chenang later in the afternoon. I honestly never realised how hard It was to push yourself in a wheelchair and as I travel down the cracked pavements have to take shelter behind the bushes out of the son every 100m or so. I hadn't planned to go all the way to the mall but The black pearl coffee shop on Google maps isn't open anymore so I make the additional effort and wheel myself on to Starbucks where I sit and enjoy coffee and cake. On the last part and hardest,as it's gravel, I'm helped by a total stranger called Alex who pushes me the last 5 minutes back to my room, although it would have taken me 30+ minutes if I was diy'ing it. Back at Ranch I share a few beers and I chat to Rick about something called Hashing. I've never heard of this before but the motto is 'a drinking club with a running problem'. Everyone is going to Cinnamon a little bar around the corner. Nanda drops me off in the car and I've opted for crutches this evening to make life a little easier. In cinnamon we get chatting to a lady called Jay who is not only a Doctor but a vet as well. We all really enjoy her company and make our way back to the guest house to enjoy a few beers in the garden. They all drink a lot although I move onto coffee. The time flies by and before I know it my alarm is going off at 245 to say the Liverpool game is due to kick off. I bid my goodbyes and leave them all to continue. I eventually drift off after the excitement of seeing the squad win our game and show more of our way.Read more

  • Day 2,480

    New set of wheels

    September 12, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    This morning I feel exhausted. Getting around on crutches is one of the hardest things I've done, my underarm and psalms of my hands have blisters on and I struggle to wake with such a negative start. The couple who run the guesthouse are lovely and can't do enough to help me and It's really nice because I also know 4 other people here. My mood changes as all of them come over and offer if I need a lift anywhere or anything else I need picking up just call them. One of my reasons for coming back here was purely for the people, I have a wonderful friends community here. Nanda drops me at Raos where I enjoy a roti and brew coffee. It's nice to sit here and just to chat. A little later Rick and Tom turn up and offer to take me to Kuah to look at wheelchairs. I have hunted high and low for a mobility scooter but there are literally none on the island so my second option is a wheelchair. In the store I try all of them out and opt for the heaviest one as it's more sturdy and feels less flimsy. Its 8 pound a day to rent a chair and £60 to buy one so I purchase my new set of wheels and we head back to Pantai Chenang for me to give them a trial run. In my head I have visions of scooting round like super gran but the reality once again hits hard. After a couple of pushes and a slight incline I'm exhausted. As all who know me well I'm no quitter and I give myself a kick up the arse. The pavements here are not great and they use a lot of gravel to allow the rain to drain away. Twenty minutes in Sy is collecting his laundry and is so pleased to see me. He asks where I'm going and offers me a push. When I arrive at Rainbow Uncle Johnny, Helen and Ralph are there. I sit and have a couple of beers with them, but to be honest I'm not really feeling in the mood to drink. It's pretty busy in the bar, but I'm not really in the mood but I hang around to see Eunice and Michael. I'm ready to leave shortly after and call a cab. Alan insists that he will follow with his bike to lift the wheelchair out and makes sure I get to my room safely. I get out of my chair and onto my crutches and literally crash onto the bed exhausted. Let's hope I can recharge my batteries for tomorrow.Read more

  • Day 2,479

    Langkawi inbound

    September 11, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    I wake this morning and am still undecided about my flight to Langkawi. I've made enquiries about hiring a mobility scooter but with no joy. After a few hours of umming and ahing I make a decision that I'm going to go. I mean how hard can it be to board a plane with a broken ankle? Bloody hard . I get dropped at the airport and to be fair the taxi driver gets me a trolley and I use it to hop into the terminal but it proves a little more difficult than I imagined. Hopping in 1 flip-flop while holding the brake off on a slippery floor is not a good combination. I make my way back to the entrance and attract the attention of one of the security guards. Within minutes a wheelchair is on the scene and they drop me at the Air Asia counter where I moved to a different wheel chair. They check me in and put me in the queue and advise they will take me to the gate an hour before take off. I cruise through security apart from my scissors in my wash bag and I'm boarded on the plane with the captain who is nice enough to have a little chat with me. The flight is only 1 hour but when we arrive in Langkawi I'm asked to stay on the plane until everyone has left and get the special treatment of being taken down in the lift. There is the smallest wheelchair in there and I wonder how anyone bigger than me would fit in it. Once grounded I am put in another wheelchair and wheeled straight through to the exit door. Nanda and Rick are waiting for me and in 10 minutes I'm home. A few people I know stay at Nanda's on a long term basis so when I arrive there is a little welcome party and after dropping my bags we head to rainbow bar. I have a few beers with the local crowd who are very shocked to see me, before getting a grab back to my room.Read more

  • Day 2,478


    September 10, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    I wake today very tearful. The frustration and reality of how hindered I am with this broken ankle has really hit home, and even though the pain has eased a little my arms feel like I've been punching all night. I'm still unsure about my plans as I'm due to fly to Langkawi tomorrow and I can barely get round the apartment at this rate. I have a day of total relaxation today after dosing myself with tablets and James goes out to see if he can find me a suitable rucksack as its not viable to carry my huge rucksack on my back on crutches. He calls to say the cheapest one is £70 and that he can lend me his one instead. Nico has messaged me today and we arrange to meet in a place just round the corner from here called Souled out. After waiting forever for a cab one of the ladies from the coffee shop offers to drop us off. It's so good to meet Nico again. We enjoy dinner and a few cocktails and the whole time we're here I think every table in the house must have a birthday because we spend most of the evening singing along and just before we are about to leave all the staff start dancing. Apparently they are paid more money because they have practice sessions. Even just the effort to come here has exhausted me and I tell the guys I'll just head back but they won't hear of it so we all head back to Quad and finish the evening with karaoke again.Read more

  • Day 2,477

    Absolutely plastered

    September 9, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

    I wake today to the sad news the queen has passed away. Having served her in the military I feel an outstanding amount of sadness that she has passed. With being in Malaysia it's not as apparent as in the UK as having spoken to numerous people that said it's the only thing on the telly compared to here where I have no television. In the morning I get to meet Shakira a lady that works for James but with still not feeling well I head back to bed for an hour and let them crack on with the work. I actually sleep for 3 hours and after I wake up and grab a bite to eat and a shower it's pretty much time to go and get my leg put in plaster. When I arrive I'm seen straight away and the doctor advises that I've actually broken it in 2 places and I have the option of surgery or to try with plaster first. I'm psychologically not prepared for surgery and opt for the plaster. He places me in a half cast and James comes to pick me up. I'm really struggling with the crutches , honestly I consider myself really strong but I already have blisters on my hands and my underarms are extremely tender. In the evening James has a few friends coming over and to be honest I am glad of the distraction. Vivi has brought moon cake as today is the Chinese celebration of the Mid Autumn festival otherwise known as the moon festival. It is as important in the Chinese calendar as Chinese New year and it when the moon is at its fullest and brightest point in the year. In Chinese style we enjoy the evening singing karaoke. I stay up till just after 1am but am exhausted and somehow fall asleep with the singing continuing until the early hours.Read more

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