Fifi Flipflops Big Adventure

listopada 2015 - czerwca 2024
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  • Dzień 59

    Brazilian Traditions

    26 stycznia 2016, Brazylia ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

    It is our last day in Arriaial de cabo and I have to say I am sad to leave this little piece of paradise. The beaches and the waters here are so beautiful and today the waves have been massive but i'm sure our journey will bring many more of these.
    Today we were chatting to a couple of people in the hostel and i said that the one thing i really missed was a bath .... they explained that in Brazil they have Motels , now don't get confused as this is not somewhere you drive to they are basically sex chalets that you can rent on an hourly or nightly basis , they all have baths and some even have extra oxygen ,(dont think we'll be needing this)
    Today i also had my first Brazilian wax (omfg) i arrived back to the beach 2 hrs later walking like John Wayne , but feel well prepared for the Brazilian way of life but whilst away Mark had been leading Buddy astray so i ordered dinner and we headed back to the hostel to pack.
    After a shower we headed down to the nearest and first beach we had seen and participated in an Acai , its like a frozen fruit smoothie and absolutely delicious , (i will definitely be repeating this experience, but not sure about the waxing.) Whilst watching a game of soccer a lovely ending to this week.
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  • Dzień 61

    Surfer's Paradise

    28 stycznia 2016, Brazylia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    So this morning we left Arriaial de Cabo early morning and boarded 'the local bus back to Cabo Frio for our onward journey to Saquarema. This bus journey will take approximately 3hrs (nothing in Brazil is pronto) but after boarding we realise we will probably be on time. No sooner has someone boarded the driver is off and that goes for someone who was getting off the bus . The hostel is amazing very surf orientated but that's what Saquarema is all about. I am in my absolute paradise , died and gone to heaven. The guy here is called José , he speaks perfect english , is very helpful and even had a board and wetsuit to borrow as it would be a bit difficult doing machu picchu with a board as well as a backpack . I can't rate this place enough and would rate to all my surfing friends as well as the non surfer's grab a board and your bound to catch a wave(you will be hooked). So off we head down the beach you get a table and chairs and a parasol and as long as you drink £5 in ice cold beers and soft drinks (very hard to do in the 30 degree heat at less than a quid a go) your table is free. After just one beer I say to Mark let's head for the waves an he reluctantly follows. The waves are huge and I head in the water with total respect the undercurrent is so powerful that you up to your neck in water one minute and its around your ankles the next as I look behind me it's a wall of froth as a huge wave breaks and I jump on it. I'm either gonna get totally wiped out or have the best surf of my life. The latter is what happens and my heart is racing as I tira onda (ride the wave in portuguese also means someone who is really cool. I am buzzing and have booked to have an additional day . Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 62

    Church of Nazareth

    29 stycznia 2016, Brazylia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    As we arrived in Saquarema we spotted the most beautiful church so after a late breakfast we head into the Centro to explore some more. The small local bus does a full tour of Saquarema so we jumped aboard and got off at the furthest point. We really need cash as there is only one place we can withdraw here so it is pretty essential we find it. After sorting the cash issue we head back towards the church set high on a hilltop on the edge of a cliff. It is so beautiful and I wish it was open to take a look inside but the view from the outside was still breathtaking. At the back of the church was a graveyard and I can honestly say there is no where you would rather be buried
    The view from here is beautiful and as always Mark plays up by going to the very edge of the cliff with me screaming at him to comeback, apparently just because I'm scared of heights it doesn't mean he needs to be (you'd think he was 10 not 50)
    After a good walk around we head back to the hostel to shower and apply a whole tub of mosquito spray.
    As many of you might have seen the is a massive mosquito problem in Brazil at the moment and although they haven't given me any disease yet I am covered from head to toe.
    The supermarket is a good 10 minute cycle from here and I really wanted to cook curry so Mark and I borrowed the hostel bikes, there is a storm brewing and we needed to get back before it started. Now u know why I took out life insurance! The saddle on my bike kept tipping upwards and there were no brakes, how we arrived back was a miracle and I took 5 mins to calm down before preparing dinner.
    The curry was delicious and went down a treat . There is a guy staying in the hostel with his 'wife' who is from Sau Paulo who's English is also good and we stay and chat whilst listening to music from the Beatles, the beach boys and Bob marley. The storm is in full flow and we sit and watch the lightning while the thunder rumbles in the background. As much as it is raining now it soon will be dry and I'm sure another sunny day tomorrow.
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  • Dzień 63

    Last Surf in Saquarema

    30 stycznia 2016, Brazylia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    So today is our last day in Saquarema and it will be a while before I get to hit the waves for a while so we eat breakfast and pack up the bag with our bits and pieces, board under arm we take the 10 minute walk. Today is particularly hot but after the rain yesterday the air does feel cooler. Our first point of call is to the chemist to buy another mosquito spray. They really are a big issue at the moment and even the locals are suffering. Its mad because in most countries they are so small you dont see them , out here theyre like Daddy bloody long legs!!!!
    Down the beach we get some light relief (for some reason they dont like the sea ) and set up our i pod and wireless speaker to listen to some music (still cant quite let go of my music). Out here JUstin bieber is 12and 3 in the charts and the modern music is very similar, even people like blondie and the beatles are still played widely.
    I head out to surf but the waves are really flat today, i suppose noone can control the sea , so after an hour i head back to Mark who is quie happy sat under the brolley with a grande cerveja (big beer). As we sit there a boat comes in with 'the catch' and they fillet the fish of the back of the boat and take them to the restaurant to be cooked, chucking the heads into the water to feed the Albatrosses circling above. However not all heads are eaten and whilst paddling a little later in the day had them floating round my feet. Great the mosquitos and fly are going to love me equally.
    We decide to try the fresh fish in the restaurant , but thinking i ordered the whole fish it came out in a stew, a little dissaponted but it was tasty all the same.
    We spend our last night chilling on the balcony lying in the hammock underneath the stars getting eaten alive, while Zee tells us his story of going to a Cachacha Brewery when he was young back in the 70s and he was wearing platforms and on his way home he lost one of the heels and gave us an impesonation of hobbling along , he said it was the worst night of his life so i will have to take it easy. Perfect!!!
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  • Dzień 65

    From Beaches to Mountains

    1 lutego 2016, Brazylia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    We say goodbye to Zee and yet again I am sad to be leaving here, but I must get away from the mosquitos or I'll need a blood transfusion. We board the bus and as my language is improving these journeys are getting less stressful or so i think.....the journey up the mountain has me on tenderhooks, the driver is on a death wish but as we climb i cant help but hold on tight and look down. the winding road takes us past waterfalls and high above the immense forest below, the scenery is like something out of a movie it really is beautiful. We arrive at what i think is the central bus station and ask "punto finale petropolis centro" thank god the young guy spoke English , and offered to take us on another local bus which cost us £1 instead of £20 in a taxi.
    We arrive at the hostel and yet again i am really pleased. This is quite a big hostel and they speak pretty fluent English although I really want to try and practice the Portuguese as you have a habit of being Lazy when you can out here.
    We are informed that there is a beer festival on tonight , so after a quick shower and change we head down to the beer festival accompanied by a brazilian guy from the hostel. There are quite a lot of people around and we join the queue to get a beer , only after 20 mins to be told that we have to purchase tokens as they don't take any cash on the stalls.
    The festival has live music and the vibe down here is brilliant, the band here are playing all Beatles songs and after a little gentle persuasion Mark dances with me as we jive to music from home the crowd are shocked even though we can't dance they have never seen dancing like this !!!
    The band finish and we head back to the hostel, this time up the hill , all this travelling takes its toll after a while and i crash out on the bed fully clothed.
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  • Dzień 65

    Historic Petropolis

    1 lutego 2016, Brazylia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    So today we have encountered problems with the intenet which is a bit of a problem because we cant download photos so will have to add them at a later date , and after breakfast we are given a map of a route we can walk that will take us to all the various historical sights in Petropolis, Even though the walk is long we decide we can do it with a few refreshment stop offs thrown in. Petropolis is reeped with German influences and all the houses are so beautiful, we first arrive at an old church built in 1893, the kind lady invited us in and gave us the full history and the place really was beautiful but i keep having to say that i have multiple religions and with a big devil tattoo i feel a bit awkward lol
    We walked futher along the streets to a small little house , this was Alexander dumos dumonts house , and he built the first plane and circumnavigated around the eiffel tower. Then to the Crystal Palace where there are many beautiful orchids , the differences in the beautiful flowers are so extreme but eye catching.
    As we walk along the roads most of the houses in the street are owned by someone important from historical times and have then been passed dwn to their families , who split these huge houses in two.
    After a bite to eat we head to the Imperieal Museum which has many historic artifacts of the Imperial Family of Brazil , It has been recreated to look like how it would have been when the family used it as their summer home. They came here because in the summer it was so hot in the city that their mountain retreat was much cooler.
    Inside the house we were asked to handover all cameras phones etc as no photographs were to be taken, and handed a pair of oversize flip flops that you put over your own shoes and almost skate along the wooden floors(one way of polishing them i suppose). On route we see a young woman snapping away at various points in the house with the phone on her camera , but nothing gets away from these guys , they radio through, and as she is following behind us they confiscate her phone and delete all the pictures she has taken and hand it back to her as we leave.
    The palace is beautiful, very ostentacious and the crown jewels are very sparkly. After 6 hours walking the streets we head back to the hostel for a shower and decide to head out for something to eat.
    We have been recommended a small italian restaurant, and after being robbed by the taxi driver we evetually are dropped off at casa Pellegrini , the atmosphere is amazing and the place is packed with locals so you know its good. I eat the most fantastic pasta Gnocchi and Mark has a Hamburger and chips , and after finishing we take our drinks outside and take in the vibe.
    I head to the shop just over the road to pick up some cigarretes and when i leave there is something not right, there are groups of guys shouting and fighting and as I head back to the restaurant there are more coming up the street . I have tourist tattooed all over me so keep my head down and keep walking and as i get back to the restaurant everybody in the place is stood looking up the street that i have just walked down. The atmosphere has changedd for the worse and a guy returns to the restaurant minus his havianias so i suggest to Mark it might be time to leave, and after the days walking I am more than ready for my bed.
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  • Dzień 66

    Go Tell It From the Mountain

    2 lutego 2016, Brazylia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    We have agreed to have a lazy day today and catch up on the washing etc. We mosy about the hostel and plan a churrasco(bbq) for this evening. We take a short walk to the supermarket and buy the best steak they have together with various bits and bobs and return to the hostel. We speak with the guys in the hostel and they point to the hill in the far distance and advise that the view here is amazing. Today is well in the 30's and Mark says it is too hot to do this. Me being me i ask another Brazilian guy in the hostel(Andreas ) if he would like to do this and he agrees so just after 4 oclock we set off.
    A 25 minute bus journey takes us about half way up but the rest is up to us. Oh shit what have i let myself in for???
    The cllimb is pretty hard and alll up hill, as i turn every bend all i see is another slope and the sun beats onto me with no forgiveness( iam am going to be tonights bbq at this rate.) After a 2 hour climb the end is in sight and as we round the corner I cant believe the view. I am on top of the world literally, below the smaller mountains are scattered genourously and we just sit and watch as the sun slowly and gradually takes her place. I knew that this trip would bring many beautiful things to me, but when you put the little extra effort in it can bring so many more. We have to head back down as soon as the sun is set , because we have walked through a forest and when you lose the light the track down is as arduous as the track up!
    As we start our decent I think i see people in the trees, only to find out they are Fireflys, I try to take a video but there are somethings in life you just have to look at with the naked eye and seeing these little creatur
    es light the way is a truly magical experience as i have never seen a firefly before. Halfway down I say to Andreas look at the sky ! I have never seen so many stars and i Lie on the ground for 5 mins taking in the full constelation, another magical moment. we refill our bottles from the natural spring and continue the trek down watching the city light up around us. It is really dark by now and the torch on the iphone comes in really handy. We await the bus with anticipation as im could eat a scabby horse and hopefully Mark has the BBq prepared aand has not spent the last hours emptying the hostel fridge.
    The Churrasco is superb and we sit with a few people in the hostel as Mark entertains us all with his tipsy humour and is a wonderful end to a magical day.
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  • Dzień 67

    Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls

    3 lutego 2016, Brazylia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    After still aching from the climb yesterday I agree with Mark to go and visit the waterfalls which are high up in the mountains at the National park. We catch a bus at the top off the hill and head for the bus exchange. Here we have to catch another bus down and up a very narrow lane , yet again the bus driver drives like a lunatic ( I think this must be one of the prerequsites)and thank god there are not many other cars on the road as he weves his way up the mountain like Keanu Reeves in speed . We are droppped off and havee to climb a lane to the entrance of the park. A car stops as we just start and I dont have a clue what the guys are saying, but somehow manage to blag us a lift. The trek is all up hill obviously but we start to make our accent and climb through the vines and trees up a very narrow branched path with a map that is bearly readable . We arrive at the first "pool" which is beautiful and there are people bathing in it , but a lot of young noisy kids so we agree to head a little further up.
    The mosquitos are out in force here and we fight our way through the brambles taking time out in the small and few places of shade drinking plenty of water. Maybe doing this in flip flops was a bad idea and as we climb higher i must stub my toes 20 times or more, but as I have said before when you put the effort in the rewards are endless. The beauty of these waterfalls is immense and this place is filled with lots of wildlife, huge butterflys, toucans and even crocodiles(only joking). After 3 hours of trekking we agree that enough has been seen and the thought of climbing further just didnt appeal. As we headed back down we decided to take a different route and this was littered with various other waterfalls and pools . There is an option to camp here and if we had more time we probably would have done this , but we have carnival to head too tomorrow so need a good nights rest.
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  • Dzień 70

    Travelling Circus

    6 lutego 2016, Brazylia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    So as we bid a sad farewell to Petropolis we say goodbye to some really cool people. Felipe Ray and Andreas to name a few , have made our stay here really perfect, thanks guys. We board the bus and head back down the treachorous hill that seemed a life time to get up, and yet is over quicker than i can blink an eye at, maybe because going up we didnt really get out of 2nd gear although it felt like we were travelling far to fast for the road conditions, although that seems the norm here. On the bus a young guy asks if we need any help and at Rio he takes us to the local bus to catch it to Copacabana. People here really are so helpful.
    Within mins of being on the bus he has run over a ladys suitcase who was waiting for the bus next to us and narrowly missed mowing down an old lady on the pedestrian crossing, having gone through a red light ( Ireally hope this journey wont take long),
    We drop our bags in the hostel and get handed a welcome pack consisting of a masquerade mask confetti and and a whisle. The hostel has a very young crowd and i feel like im on an 18-30 holidy , but if you cant beat them join them. Every night they have entertainment here pub crawls etc but tonight is a bbq so i pay our 30 reals each ( approx 8 quid) and we head upstairs to eat, or so we think . There is only so much meat that can be cooked and as the first tray is put out a French guy literally piles his plate so high that noone else even got a bit of fat we ended up having a bit of a row but you know what the French are like, (well most of them) . Mark went to bed before he lost his temper and i followed shortly after - wish i was back in Petropolis.
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  • Dzień 71


    7 lutego 2016, Brazylia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    First things first we hit the beach, ive missed being able to just get into the water and cool off so its a welcome break fro m the heat,It never cools down here not even at night. We hire a couple of chairs and very soon a couple of Brazilian guys called hedges and Bill ask if we can mind there things while they go for a dip. I invest in a dental floss bikini (dont worry i wont be posting any pictures) and the guys soon return. They are really keen to practice theyre english and we are really glad to have them with us as they have an art of being able to haggle to get us cheaper beer. The guys are really cool and we spend hours chatting before i have to leave to return to the hostel to go shopping for my carnival outfit, Mark stays with the guys and by the time i have finished Mark has returned and tells me to go and get myself a shower as the guys will be coming to pick us up shortly to take us to a bloko. The guys dont show but we just think that maybe they have carried on drinking and theyre probably pissed somewhere. So not to be beaten we head out solo.
    Carnival here is really something else, everyone is in fancy dress and double decker buses line the streets in various areas of town playing all different types of music (with a brazilian twist ) and we join the throbbing crowd(i mean thousands of people). Once they have a big enough crowd they drive very slowly away with the crowd sambaing behing them following through the streets. I have bought Mark a shrek mask and i have a masquerade mask, quite underdressed as it goes.We follow rhe parade through the streets for nearly 2 hours and then head back for a bite to eat and bed as we have arranged to meet bill and hedges tomorrow at 9 to follow another bus x
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