  • Dia 73

    Antonio Ghadi’s work

    2 de junho de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

    Miles: 8.60 Steps: 20023
    Flights stairs: 22

    We spent the day looking at the amazing works of Spanish architect Antonio Ghadi. We started with the Sagrada Familia, a cathedral that has been under construction since 1882. It was absolutely incredible. It is due to be finished in 2026, for the 100 yr anniversary of Ghadi’s death. Incredible building with incredible history. Loved it!

    Ghadi was commissioned to build multiple homes in Barcelona, which are now on display. We toured one, Casa Mila - his style was so unique it left us in awe. We then headed to Palau de La Musica - a gorgeous concert hall. Again … absolutely amazing. Lastly, we visited the Barcelona cathedral. It was very majestic. I was moved learning about the history of the building and the saint it honors - Saint Eulalia. (I’m not Catholic so am not familiar with much regarding that faith) but her tomb is in the cathedral. She was a 13 yr old who was martyred in 303ad - tortured in 13 ways, one for every year she had lived - until she was eventually beheaded. Very sad story.

    Overall though it was an amazing day. Barcelona is much different than the other three Spanish cities we’ve visited. So special seeing them all.
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