Gothic Quarter

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    • Day 5

      Barcelona Day 4

      April 11, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Day Four in Barcelona was a memorable one! Started our day off by heading out on a sailboat to the Mediterranean where the were able to turn off the engine and pull up the sails while drinking Cava! After our fun little excursion we decided to walk the beach and grab a pitcher of sangria with more patatas bravas! On our way back to our hotel we swung into a popular wine bar and enjoyed a couple different wines - one of which we ended up purchasing a bottle of to bring home (or drink one of the upcoming nights) after our long walk home we decided to stop by this restaurant called Anxoita where we tried our first ever raw cod skewer. Safe to say it is something we hope to never see in the US! Luckily, to no surprise, we were ordered more patatas bravas.

      After a nice little siesta in the sun we grabbed a couple cocktails at our rooftop bar in the hotel and enjoyed the view of the city! We then headed off to Kyle’s pick for dinner called Solomillo and as usual it was “interesting.” You can see in a couple pictures we had two different filets, mortadella, and a dish called lettuce and onions. It was quite literally romaine lettuce and yellow onions with dressing. After leaving dinner we headed over to el Nacional for a glass of wine before ending our night at Obama’s where Molly was invited to sing for the bar! She was killing it up until she got stage fright and forgot the lyrics! We knew it was time to go after that and our night was done.
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    • Day 1


      June 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Barcelona is a vibrant,busy and cosmopolitan city. Filled with tourists from everywhere - lots of youngsters who must have finished uni for the year. Some of the highlights of our few days in Barcelona are (in no particular order):
      - [ ] Eating in the many tapas bars, often with incredible street buskers. In fact street buskers can be seen all over the gothic quarter at all hours of the day and night
      - [ ] Getting lost trying to navigate the many narrow lane ways
      - [ ] A walking tour of the old parts, venturing into the Gothic quarter, Jewish quarter showing Roman and medieval time periods. We explored the many narrow lanes and as many churches.
      - [ ] A Spanish Classical guitar concert accompanied by flamenco dancers in the most incredible music concert hall, Palau de la Musica.
      - [ ] Walking alongside the Harbourside were the rich and famous moor their yachts.
      - [ ] Walking down la Rambla, which is packed with people, who are shopping or taking a stroll to soak up the vibe
      - [ ] Visiting and sampling at the food market with the most incredible selection - lots of seafood of every kind, meat selection, cheeses, fruits, nuts and different tapa selections. We sampled the Catalan vermouth and agreed we would be back for more
      - [ ] We caught the metro to the funicular and cable car to Montjuïc which had stunning views over Barcelona including the Mediterranean sea and activity on the bay harbour
      - [ ] We had Lunch at Salts, a restaurant with views over the Olympic diving pool and city
      - [ ] We caught a Metro to La Pedrera - one of Gaudís famous apartment blocks. Also Casa Batlló - another of Gaudi’s creations. Gaudi was an absolute genius, born well before his time. His creativity using aspects from nature with geometry is mind blowing. Builders must have hated him!
      - [ ] We walked down Passeig de Gràcia, a street with all the high end shops
      - [ ] Visited Santa Maria del Mar, a fine example of gothic church and built and funded by the community. We attended Mass at the Cathedral (in Catalan, just when we have learnt all the Spanish responses). May as well have been a different country.
      - [ ] Attended a not so great Psalm concert at the Cathedral after Mass - I think more a local attraction with artists that must have been great in their time!
      - [ ] The many sampling of the finest ice creams we have tasted
      - [ ] Visited Sagrada Familia (Basillica of the Holy Family) - just Wow!!! Another of Gaudis’s creations. Building commenced in the late 1800s and will be completed in the next 10 years. Gaudi new that it would not be completed in his life time but left all the plans and models to be completed in generations to come. It is built purely from donations (no government or church funding). The intricate details and every thought that has gone into its creation are an absolute wonder - no explanation will do it justice. We also went up the Passion tower. We caught the lift up but then had to walk down the 400 steps. I am not great at heights so managed the odd peak but certainly didn’t do it justice. Thankfully Anthony took some photos.
      - [ ] We went to Mass in the crypt built beneath the altar. Again the detail was incredible. Somehow he managed to create the perfect amount of lighting and we were there as the sun was setting so the light reflecting from the stain glass windows in the Basilica gave a beautiful hue of colours.
      - [ ] We were also lucky enough to experience the festivities of The birth of St John the Baptist which coincides with the Summer solstice each year and so seen to be the introduction of summer proper. The whole of Barcelona was a huge party with bonfires, fireworks, concerts, dancing and singing. Families and youngsters out in full force - a lovely experience.
      Adios Espana- Hasta luego
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    • Day 16

      Day 13 - Santiago to Barcelona (post Cam

      October 9, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      I arrived in Barcelona this afternoon safe and sound having taken my fifth flight on this trip. My hotel is fabulous. I am on the top floor, and I can see the Sagrada Familia from my private balcony! I've decided to get room service (wine included) for my evening meal and am currently sitting on my balcony, enjoying my white wine (as recommended by the taxi driver), as I take in the city lights (and the Cathedral). I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 108

      Barcelona, Spain

      December 13, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      I was so blessed to be able to relax these past few days with two of my favorite people: my Mom and my Aunt B. I was SO excited to see them and spend time with them. I arrived in Barcelona on Wednesday and met them at our hotel. The hotel was beautiful and located on a busy shopping street with many nice stores and restaurants all around. The first day we found a place to get tapas, enjoyed a coffee in the hotel lounge, and had a yummy Italian dinner. The next few days we went to a basilica, the spa, and walked around the pier. The bright blue sky and palm trees reminded me so much of Santa Barbara. On Saturday we took a day trip to Montserrat. It was about an hour and a half train ride up the mountain to the little village. We went to the monastery, the museum, and went out to the viewpoints. It was good to get out of the city for a few hours and to enjoy nature and some beautiful architecture. Overall, our time was really nice. We ate some good food, met a lot of wonderful people, and I started transitioning out of speaking German. It still is hard for me to say "no" instead of "nein", but maybe those German phrases will just become a part of my vocabulary haha:) Right now I am at the airport ready to head home. Pray for safe travels today and that I make it home when I am supposed to. So far so good, but you know airports... anything could happen. Love you all and so happy to see many of you soon.Read more

    • Day 30

      Barcelona 🫶 (parte dos)

      December 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Am Samstag sind wir wieder nach Barcelona gefahren und haben uns noch ein paar Sehenswürdigkeiten angesehen:

      📍 Arc de Triomf
      📍 Parc de la Ciutadella
      📍 Park Güell

      ….und zu guter Letzt waren wir noch eine leckere Paella 🥘 essen 😍

      Außerdem haben wir einen Sephora-Shop besucht, der beim Eingang eine Rutsche hat 🛝💄
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    • Barcelona

      April 2 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      On the road again… 10 Tage gemütlich an der Costa Brava entlang.Gemütlich deshalb, weil der von mir ursprünglich geplante Solo-Campingtrip in einen von -Zimmer -zu -Zimmer -Wandertrip mit einer wunderbaren Freundin umgeplant wurde. Jetzt sitzen wir im Flieger, unter uns bereits Barcelona in der Abendsonne. Heute Abend werden wir die Tapa-Bars in den Barancos plündern. Hiker- Hunger bevor es überhaupt losgeht…Read more

    • Day 5

      The Gothic Quarter

      September 21, 2019 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      We visited the gothic quarter this morning and it really is very beautiful. Narrow streets with tall buildings make for a very imposing feel but the residents have planted everywhere they can and some of the facades are exquisitely painted.Read more

    • Day 211

      Mercat de la Boqueria

      January 15 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nach einem sehr gemütlichen Vormittag sind wir mit dem Bus in die Stadt gefahren. Mit Hunger haben wir uns direkt auf den Weg zum "Mercat de la Boqueria" gemacht. Die Markthalle ist in der Nähe der Promenade "Las Ramblas" und recht touristisch, trotzdem schön und ganz anders als die Märkte in Frankreich. Wir haben uns eine ganze Weile dort aufgehalten, viel geguckt und einiges probiert (und dann gekauft).
      Später haben wir uns durch die Straßen treiben lassen um Häuser und Läden zu gucken.
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    • Day 3


      September 7, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Finally arrived in Barcelona. For now a little siesta to heal all the physical and emotional wounds and later Rambla is ours. Nice hotel,nice people and nice weather. The hotel was so nice, that Tom felt the urge to take a 😴, meanwhile I decide to explore a little bit the city on my own... My inner voice guided me to the Barcelona Cathedral known as Cathedral of St Eulalia, Patron of Barcelona with it's 13 friendly geese's 😁. Beautiful itself, also has great views from the rooftop of the city, including Sagrada and Tibidabo Hill with it's beautiful church.Read more

    • Day 32


      October 12, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Arrived at Camping Barcelona yesterday and squeezed onto a pitch next to another Brit van. Turns out we met them on an Aire in Arras, France 3 weeks earlier- small world for sure. The camp , a 30 minute journey from Barcelona, had a regular bus service to and fro so on we hopped. We have always wanted to visit Barca so the City bus tour was the ideal way of seeing it. What a disappointment. We just weren’t impressed with the city. The Rambles (a pedestrian route of Cafes and stalls etc) and the side streets off it were however worthy of exploring on foot. It’s a case of been there , done it and worn the tee shirt I’m afraid. Had a couple of good nights though having a shandy with Bryn and Mandy. Now off further South for hopefully three days of sun on a site close to a beach.
      Life is Good
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Barri Gòtic, Barri Gotic, gothische Viertel, Gothic Quarter, Gòtic, Gótico, El Gòtic, گوتیک کوآرتر بارسلون, quartier gothique, הרובע הגותי, ゴシック, Готический квартал, Готичний квартал, 哥特区

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