  • 日28

    Jungfraujoch - Top of Europe

    2018年6月2日, スイス ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    This morning we woke up at a sparrow's fart to travel to Jungfraujoch - The Top of Europe. It's at an altitude of 3,400 metres, and today was a lovely warm 0.8 c. Getting there early was fabulous as the sky was clear of cloud cover and we pretty much had the place to ourselves, apart from the obligatory Chinese tour groups. It's a pretty incredible view from up there and there were quite a few viewpoints, an ice gallery and best of all, the world's highest chocolate shop!
    RM Williams boots are very versatile - you can wear them to the office then out for a drink and off to a restaurant. The one place they can't take you is the snow. So Graham slid his way up and slid his was down the viewpoint. When he went ass up I did what any good wife would do and cracked up laughing. The second time he went ass up I took the camera from him as I don't want a broken camera.
    From there we trained it back to Wengen and then hiked down the mountain to Lauterbrunnen.
    When people say Switzerland is expensive they should say it is very, VERY expensive. But hiking is free (remember, we are hikers now), and there is free water and toilets everywhere. What more could you ask for? Our first night we had sausage, onion gravy and potato rosti and it was $32 each. We now go to the co-op and buy local cheese and meats, salad and Swiss chocolate and eat like kings on our balcony. There is no fridge in our room so Graham fills the bathroom sink with cold water and next thing, cold wine. Top it off with the best restaurant view in the world.