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    • Day 18–19


      July 18 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      We visited the Jungfrau mountain in the Swiss Alps! We saw snow in the middle of European summer and finally were at a reasonable temperature. At the top of the mountain, we saw some cool ice sculptures and went to the highest Lindt chocolate shop in the world. Anch did a 90meter high canyon swing which included a very high free fall (😧) and we carried on the Contiki tradition of taking some scandalous photos! For dinner we had an all you can eat cheese fondue.Read more

    • Day 7


      July 14 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 41 °F

      We were out the door by 9 today to catch a series of trains back to Interlocken, and then up to Kleine Scheidegg. From there we took the ride through the tunnels up via the Jungfraubahn. It was a steep climb, and we were glad to have packed some warm clothes. When we reached the top, we were at an elevation of over 4100m. The place was packed with people, so after quickly cramming into the elevator to view the summit, we made our way through the tunnels to get outside ASAP.

      We trudged our way down a snowy trail for a bit, but Caty started to suffer the effects of altitude sickness, so we made our way back to the station and got back on the train down the mountain.

      We hiked a bit more down/back-up a trail to kill some time, seeing an old refuge cabin along the way. Once back up, we took the gondola back to the Grindelwald terminal. We had an excursion planned, but Caty was too tired for it so we walked back to the hotel.

      Since we had unanticipated free time, Laura and I enjoyed an adult beverage or two and then floated in the resorts pool while Caty hung out in the hotel room.

      The rest of the evening was low key, and we had fondue and swiss cuisine for dinner at a restaurant in town.
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    • Day 28


      September 1, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Wowowow!!! The view never gets old 😍 I took a bus, tram, and funicular up to Gimmelwald and then hiked to Mürren (2.2km) and then did a loop around the top :) all hike you could see cows and hear them from a mile away because of their cow bells (sound on for video)! I also had a storm chase me from behind but never caught up! Winner winner, chicken dinner! Beautiful day for a great hike :)Read more

    • Day 107

      Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

      April 24 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 36 °F

      Awoke to large snowflakes falling gently this morning as we looked out our balcony overlooking the Bernese Swiss Alps. Change of plans today due to snow avalanche risk at some of the mountain areas nearby, so our scheduled hike was canceled. We decided to go over to the next valley above Interlaken and get to the top of Jungfrau via the highest train station in Europe. So we planned out the route via trains and off we went to explore.

      The train wove through small villages as we climbed the mountain. It was still snowing and cloudy as we changed trains for the last leg of the journey through a long tunnel to the top. Luckily, as we emerged outside, we were not disappointed as we were above the clouds. The view was spectacular with the summit of Mt. Jungfrau at 13,642 feet elevation standing right in front of us.

      On the Reasearch observation platform, you could see the glacier valley to your right. We went out on Glacier's point, but by the time we reached it, the clouds had moved in, and the temp was -2F....Burr.

      Before leaving, we explored the newest attraction, an ice cave lined with ice sculptures, and had lunch up top. (Who knew fresh salmon could taste so good at 12,000 feet). One of our stops on the way back was the small town of Grindelwald, where Susan had visited 40 years ago, for a fun trip down memory lane.

      Returned to Lauterbrunnen around 6 pm and set off for a walk on the valley floor to see the cascading waterfalls along the cliffs. Along the way, we found Susan's perfect dream house. Finished the evening at a local pub for dinner.

      Switzerland is such a peaceful idyllic setting of nature at its best.
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    • Day 29

      Kleine Scheidegg to Wengen hike

      October 24, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 45 °F

      Doesn't have those spectacular alpine views, but still a very pretty area to hike through. Route took me past some nice variety -- more remote stretches as well as a few farms and teeny towns. I JUST managed to beat the fog and mist rolling in, so I still got some nice views before it obscured them completely. It actually kind of added to the ambiance in the lower elevation part when it did start rolling in, gave it a neat "Wuthering Heights" vibe. (Also passed another of those little stations where local farmers put their cheese for sale and you just grab some and leave money on the honor system.)Read more

    • Day 4


      July 13 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Wengen is way more impressive then Zurich.
      First picture is the view from my hotel room. I think I really lucked out on this room. The last two pictures show how steep the train trackers are and the train uses a gear between the two rails to move up and down the mountain.
      I stayed in at Hotel Regina Wengen room 403.
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    • Day 7

      Gindelwald to Wengen, walking in clouds!

      August 1, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      A beautiful hike with a great team today! After an awesome breakfast at the hotel, as well as our normal packing of some extra fruit and treats for later, we took the bus to take the train to Alpinglen, to shorten the long 6 mile climb starting in the city. Yeah, we kind of messed up our bus ride with all of us missing our stop in two groups. We all walked back to the train station then just missed our train because it took too long to buy tickets! Ok, so we finally got to Alpinglen then hiked up about 4 beautiful miles, walking in the shadow of the mighty Eiger mountain. One to the top at Kleine Scheidegg we got lunch at a restaurant then struck out for another couple of miles (hiked 7.1 miles today) to Mannlichen, then onto the Royal Walk which takes you to a crown-shaped viewing area with spectacular views of Grindelwald, the Inter-laken Valley, and the Lauterbrunnen Valley. All three! Super windy at the top! Videos? We will have to dub over the voices! Haha! Then most of us rode the gondola down to Wengen (Kevin Trimm did the punishing 2 hour decent walk!). Today is National Independence Day. All of Switzerland is celebrating!Read more

    • Day 15

      In den Talschluss 🌞🏔

      July 5 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Der letzte geplante Tag in diesem schönen Tal muss noch einmal voll ausgekostet werden. Start früh halb 7 in Richtung Bahn nach Gimmelwald ( ja ich fahre sie noch einmal). Nach einem kurzen Abstieg, geht es knackig hoch zum Tänzbödli. Welch ein Panorama 🥰 Lauterbrunner Tal, Schilthorn, Breithorn, Jungfrau ......Nach einem Kurzen Abstieg zum Berghotel Oberhornblick, steigen wir noch einmal auf zum Oberhornsee. Eine Pause inmitten einer surrealen Gletscherwelt. Der Abstieg wurd laaaaaang, so lang, das wir in Stechelberg in den Bus steigen 😂 Immerhin 21, 5 km und ca. 1300 hm sind in 10 h geschafft 🥵Read more

    • Day 27

      Up to Jungfrau and The Ice Palace

      August 2, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Our second train trip was 40 minutes and took us up another 7,000 feet to Jungfrau Station. On the way the train stopped at Eismeer station (10,000 ft) where you need to get out and acclimatise to the altitude before heading to Jungfrau which is 11,300 feet above sea level. At Eismeer there is a sample of what you will see at the top (well sort of).

      Once you reach Jungfrau Station you walk through an ice cave before taking the elevator out to the viewing platform, which is story of the next footprint.
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    • Day 6


      July 5 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

      Heute stand der höchstgelegene Bahnhof Europas auf dem Programm: Der Bahnhof auf dem Jungfraujoch.

      Zu allerst wird dafür eine Fahrkarte benötigt - und das ist relativ kompliziert. Zum einen gibt es von Interlaken mehrere Möglichkeiten um auf das Jungfraujoch zu fahren:

      1) Mit der Bahn nach Grindelwald Terminal und dann mit der Seilbahn Eigerexpress zum Bahnhof Eigergletscher, von dort weiter mit der Jungfraubahn.

      2) Mit der Bahn nach Grindelwald und dann weiter mit der Wengernalpbahn nach Kleine Scheidegg, von dort weiter mit der Jungfraubahn.

      3) Mit der Bahn nach Lauterbrunnen und dann weiter mit der Wengernalpbahn nach Kleine Scheidegg, von dort weiter mit der Jungfraubahn.

      Geplant haben wir den "Aufstieg" über Route 2 und die "Abfahrt" über Route 3.

      Beim Normalpreis gibt es Rabatt bei Interrail und FIP, bei Interrail aber nur, wenn der Pass an diesem Tag gültig ist. Außerdem gibt es neben dem Normalpreisticket noch ein "Guten Morgen Ticket" für die ersten drei Fahrten des Tages. Auf das "Guten Morgen Ticket" gibt es allerdings keine weiteren Rabatte... Weiterhin gibt es Mehrtageskarten für alle Bahnen der Region, allerdings ohne die Jungfraubahn, diese kostet wieder extra. Letztendlich haben wir frühmorgens am Schalter ein "Guten Morgen Ticket" und ein rabatiertes Normalpreisticket (mit FIP) erworben.

      Bei der Fahrt nach Grindelwald (Route 1) haben wir dann erfahren, dass diese Route mit dem "Guten Morgen Ticket" nicht möglich ist. Also sind wir getrennt weitergefahren - einmal Route 1 und einmal Route 2.

      Ab Grindelwald ging es für mich weiter mit der Zahnradbahn der Wengernalpbahn nach Kleine Scheidegg. Ich war ganz alleine im Abteil im Zug der Baureihe WAB BDhe 4/8, Baujahr 1988.

      Ab Kleine Scheidegg ging es dann weiter mit der Jungfraubahn zum Jungfraujoch. Gefahren ist wieder ein Zug der Baureihe JB BDhe 4/8, diesmal Baujahr 2002. Die Züge sind mit doppelten Stromabnehmer ausgestattet, da die Strecke mit Drehstrom (3 AC 1.125 V 50 Hz) elektrifiziert ist.

      Oben angekommen mit dem Touristenstrom treiben lassen. Wetter und Aussicht waren perfekt. Nach der Besichtigung aller "Sehenswürdigkeiten" mit der Bahn wieder runter zur Passhöhe Kleine Scheidegg. Von dort dann weiter mit der Wengernalpbahn nach Lauterbrunnen im Panoramazug der Baureihe WAB Bhe 4/8, Baujahr 2014.

      In Lauterbrunnen dann Umstieg in die Bergbahn Lauterbrunnen–Mürren. Die Bergbahn besteht aus einem Seilbahnabschnitt und einer meterspurigen Eisenbahn. Auf dem Abschnitt der Eisenbahn kommen Triebwagen der Baureihe Be 4/4 (Baujahr 1967) zum Einsatz. Hier kann man direkt neben dem Triebfahrzeugführer sitzen und hat einen tollen Blick auf die Strecke. Die ca. vier Kilometer lange Schmalspurbahn ist mit DC 560 V elektrifiziert.

      Zurück nach Interlaken ging es dann wieder mit dem Zug der Berner-Oberland-Bahn (BOB).

      Alles in allem heute (für sehr viel Geld) sehr viele Züge in einer wunderschönen Bergwelt bei bestem Wetter gefahren.
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