Onward... sister trip 2024.

Early departure from SCE to Philly to Atlanta to J-burg and finally arrive Capetown to embark via the Lindblad/National Geo Explorer.....
Early departure from SCE to Philly to Atlanta to J-burg and finally arrive Capetown to embark via the Lindblad/National Geo Explorer.....
All buckled in for flight to J-burg.... 14 hour 11 min flight.
Arrived Jo-burg @ 2:15 local time. We are 6 hours ahead of EST. We are in a "holding area" in the terminal with others who are also continuing on to Capetown on the plane we arrived on. Easy flight -Read more
What a wonderful city. We had a great day of sightseeing, shopping and visiting w a friend of Jensy's from their Peace Corp days.... long time, best of friends.
More local attractions - going to theRead more
What a beautiful day today in Capetown and beyond. We left early this morning on a tour to see African Penguins and visit the Cape of Good Hope which is part of the Table Mountain National Park. BothRead more
Quick trip through a small portion of the 528 hectare botanical garden. Then lunch on the ship and set sail this afternoon!!
A quick visit this a.m. to a large (585 Hectares) Botanical Garden. Lunch at 1pm then hoping to set sail at 3pm.... super windy. The large MSC cruise shop next to us can't leave as they are to high ofRead more
Big day. Bus trip to Hermanus.... too much time on a bus, Abalone farm, lunch, and more time on a bus. Finally, on ship. Safety /liferaft drill. Happy hours and great dinner. Final two fingers ofRead more
We left Capetown at 215 pm local time as we were having lunch. We have had numerous announcements re the seas and that "if u are prone to sea-sickness....."
We now have ropes up in the areas of theRead more
Traveler And she’s off!
Have fun! [Janet]
Traveler See you in Atlanta!!