  • День 9

    5 - Oslo

    10 августа 2019 г., Норвегия ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    Saturday. This was a really fun day! We started the day with another free walking tour. Unfortunately this wasn’t a very fun walking tour, the buildings were nice, but the tour guide was just not enthusiastic so we dropped out early. And went to get some coffee (ofcourse) after that we went to the palace which was kind of nice. Since this was our last day of being all together we spend most of the day as a group instead of splitting up into small groups. We grabbed some lunch and meeted up with an English guy who stayed the rest of the day with us, that was very fun.

    After lunch we walked around and saw some iconic buildings. Around 16/17 o’clock we decided to go back to our Airbnb and make dinner ourself (since the prices in Oslo are waaaay to high). Also everyone was really tired and kind of done with the sightseeing so we just hang out at our Airbnb for the night. Since it was our last evening together.

    We decided to do a karaoke which was a lot of fun. We tried to show each other iconic songs and the others had to sing it. Even though you really didn’t understand what you were singing since it was an unknown language. But it was funnnn.

    At 2 o’clock we finally went to bed, or uh couch, but we couldn’t really sleep so someone mentioned fries and we immediately stood up and went outside to get some fries. And went back to bed at 3am.

    I laughed so hard this day and it was a really fun day. It was sad that it was our last day as a group but it didn’t felt like it.

    Our alarm goes at 6:45 am the next day, or the same day since it was already ‘the next day’.

    I loved traveling with this group, it’s weird, I never had met them before we went on this trip but 9 days later it feels like I’ve known them forever. Going to miss them since we live that far from each other I don’t know when I’m going to see them again. 😢👋🏼
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