  • Päivä 116

    Gentian Pond Shelter 1903.3

    27. elokuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    I've been up this morning since 4:45 AM because I had an interview with the local newspaper of my hometown ("Schwäbische Zeitung"). They want to do a short report on me and the trail :) So I went to McDonald's when they opened at 5 on a Sunday to have a Skype call with the reporter. Afterwards Julia showed up and we had two large coffees and talked about the interview.
    If there wasn't "Snake Farm" coming up to us at Dunkin Donuts and asked if we need a ride back to the trail it would have been even later :D So we were incredibly lucky to meet him there, he has thru hiked the AT in 2011 and the PCT in 2015. A very nice and interesting guy.
    So we were back on the trail and expecting that it would go on as before with rocky up and downs that ruin our knees but we were wrong... It was a nice little uphill with just a bit of elevation and you only needed to use your hands to climb up a few times. What a very nice change :)
    Up at the first mountain we ran into "Snake Farm" again. He is planning to do all trails that exist in the Whites, which is about 1200 miles and there are only about 27 people who have done this so far. Crazy guy!! We chatted for almost an hour with him before we continued just for a few steps to take our lunch. A bit afterwards we hit the 1900 miles mark but it's been getting already late and we needed to readjust our plans because we wouldn't make it to the border today. So we picked the next Shelter and decided to go earlier to sleep and make up some miles tomorrow.
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