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    Cuttlefish Porno

    23. maj 2022, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    On the drive out to the cuttlefish dive site, we all tuned into some you tube shows about the giant cuttlefish, some were more R rated than others. With the kids now having a full understating of the intermit sex life of a cuttlefish, we were ready to snorkel with them.

    We picked a great day to head out, there was little to no wind, no current and the sea was smooth. We were all excited. There was even dolphins.

    It was seconds after being in the water that Brett spotted the first one. I was a bit upset as I still couldn’t see it. Then once you saw one, you couldn’t stop seeing them, they were everywhere and they were doing the deed! At first the kids thought they were eating each other, but Brax was pretty quick to work out what was going on 😂, and he was more than happy to fill Lachlan in.

    They really are masters of camouflage, there were ones that looked like the rocks, ones that looked like coral or seaweed, they were changing colours before our eyes, even changing the texture of their skin from smooth to having bumps or spikes. It was truly an amazing experience.
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