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  • Giorno 209

    Babinda Week 5

    28 luglio 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    The week started out sunny and beautiful. The kids got their dirt bike out and worked with Brett to make a little jump. The bike, as usual, ran all day with the kids taking turns riding and videoing each other.

    On Tuesday, mum and dad arrived to spend some time exploring Babinda, unfortunately the rain followed their arrival 😢.

    Introduced mum and dad to Clyde.

    While waiting for the kids at Katate on Thursday I get a text from Brett saying “10 minutes after you left”. I waited for the photo and found out a juvenile cassowary had been wandering around Jared’s property and I missed it 😕. Luckily Brett was there to get some amazing footage.

    On Friday it was still raining, but we headed out to the boulders with mum and dad. We were lucky while we were there the rain stopped and we even got some blue sky. We all jumped in for a refreshing dip.

    Saturday, Brett and the kids ventured back into the rainforest behind Jared’s. They followed the river up the mountain. They even got some cheripen in the yabby traps. I did more washing in town 🙄.

    On Sunday, we were hoping to take mum and dad out to the islands, but the bloody wind spoiled it. We took advantage of the sun being out and went to Josephine Falls instead. We also checked out Bramston Beach and finished up at Harvey Creek for an another swim.

    A busy week considering how much it rained. On the plus side I have not had to get water in town for nearly 2 weeks 🤣. The rain saver is working.
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