  • 日1


    2018年2月21日, オーストラリア ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    T and are off to the wilds of Tasmania.

    Neither of us have been to the Apple Isle and given it is 25 years since we took that walk down the isle we decided it was about time we went. We are on a 10 day self drive tour that takes us around the isle in a roughly anti-clockwise direction taking in all the key sites.

    We landed in Hobart and it was so nice to be in some cool, low-humidity weather for a change. It was about 10 degrees when we stepped off the plane and walked across the tarmac (no fancy aero-bridges here!). We scored the bags, grabbed a cab into the City to collect our Chariot.

    Part of the tour includes car hire. Our Chariot is a Toyota Yaris ... it isn't even automatic!! I didn't think they still made manual cars but seems there are a few in Hobart. So far I have only stalled it once, not bad considering I haven't driven a manual for years.

    First impressions of Hobart - it is quite small, it is very hilly, and there are a lot of old houses. Hobart is actually the second oldest city after Sydney being settled in 1804.

    T and I wandered down to the docks and up to the Museum of Tasmania, all very interesting. In the afternoon we took a drive up Mt Wellington to take in the sensational views. Mt Wellington is about 1.5kms above Hobart and gives views up to Port Arthur and south to Bruny Island. Have a look at the photos to see how amazing the views were.

    Dinner was at a neat Thai restaurant in North Hobart.

    Tomorrow we are on to Port Arthur.