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  • Dia 3

    Into the Netherlands

    23 de julho de 2022, Países Baixos ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Lovely ride today, managed to stay mostly off any big roads and found a few cute little towns along the way.

    Started in Bruges this morning, spotted a windmill a couple of miles off my road so went exploring to see what I could find and found a town called Damme, kinda wish I'd waited and got breakfast there, either way I had a quick wonder round and then slowly made my way up to Amsterdam with a stop for a pint in the sun in Leiden.

    No need to do the sights in Amsterdam, I've done them twice already so instead I'm sitting by the river enjoying a beer.

    Early start tomorrow and lots of miles to cover!
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  • Dia 2

    Brussels to Bruges

    22 de julho de 2022, Bélgica ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Breakfast in Brussels, lunch in Gent, dinner in Bruges.

    Feels like I'm being the worlds speediest tourist! arrive at location, run around seeing the sights, grab some food or a coffee and jump back on the bike for the next bit!

    3 brilliant cities though, good live music festival going on in gent in the town so was able to check that out for a bit. Bruges was the best if the 3, every part of the city was beautiful!
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  • Dia 1

    Off we go again!

    21 de julho de 2022, França ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    After too many disrupted flights (and wrong airports) I decided the only way I wanted to spend my last few weeks of my time off getting back on my bike... my new bike!!... and heading off to Europe. The bike is a slightly newer, but otherwise exactly the same, version of skippy. Just with a few extra bells and whistles... for £4k it really is a fantastically good bike.

    With the bike loaded up I got on the road at 10.15 - 15 minutes behind schedule due to a little old lady stopping me outside the house to tell me my bike looked very impressive, so I had to tell her about my journey. She looked bored and thoroughly unimpressed after the first 3 minutes but she started it so she was going to have to listen.

    The ferry left Dover at 2.40, getting me into Calais at about 5pm. From there it was a quick stop at the shop for snacks and beer and then I headed east... yes I know its the wrong way! But I want to go to Brussels so I was going to have to go east at some point! And this way I could find a nice wild camping spot in France before I go to Belgium. Which is exactly what I've done... the mosquitos beat me here though... and i fear I may be an empty sack of skin by the end of the night after they've drained me.

    Not much to see today really, in fact until I get to Denmark I expect the scenery will be pretty uneventful. But the cities and towns will be good fun to visit along the way!

    Planning to get up early, and get to Brussels for breakfast tomorrow, lunch in Ghent and finish off with dinner in Bruges.

    As usual, all photos have the bike in them... none of the photos have me in them.
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  • Dia 75

    That's a wrap

    16 de junho de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Final post of the USA and Canada road trip! 😥😥

    Can't believe it was 2.5 months ago that I was getting on a plane to Colorado, expecting to spend 3 months riding down to LA, then up the west coast to Seattle and back across and down to Denver... and here I am now in an airport in Alaska waiting to fly home having gone down as far as San Diego and up as far as the Arctic Circle 😂

    This trip has been nothing short of sublime, tough at times battling the wind, then battling the snow, then the heat of the dessert, then battling the rain... then more snow. But every single day has been incredible and always in a different way from the last. And despite the challenges that I soon discovered with travelling on a bike, I would head straight back off again in a heartbeat if I could... which I might do... we'll see! It's going to be strange to not wake up every morning and ride 350 miles, greeting the exit of every corner with a muffled "fuck me!" in my helmet as the mountains get bigger, or the canyons get deeper, or even just seeing the nothingness become more nothingy... or sometimes just because I'm so cold that everything hurts.

    Skippy will be sorely missed but heads off on a new adventure back down the Alaska highway with his new owner, and this time with his very own Alaska licence plate just to prove how hardcore he is.

    Feeling quite proud of what Skippy and I achieved, WHAT A BLOODY INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE!... 'MURICA! 🇺🇸

    Now I'm off to Mexico to rest my slightly battered feeling body, lying on a beach and drink cocktails for a little before I fly home 🍹⛱️
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  • Dia 75


    16 de junho de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    The final stop.

    Not much to say about anchorage, its alaska's largest city but its pretty dull (the views around it are great!).

    There's some guidance bars and it's one of the few places in alaska where you feel like you're in some kind of normal civilisation, but the crime rate is high, the streets feel a bit run down, homelessness is high. Its not somewhere I feel I'd need to return to.

    The bike shop dies have a great waiting room however and it's where skippy got his super awesome official alaskan number plate! 😁 go Skip!!!! He's achieved so much in the last few months!
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  • Dia 74


    15 de junho de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Well this is a weird place...

    A 2 mile ride through a tunnel on a railway track to get to a town with a population of 200. All 200 live in 1 building!

    Every few days a huge cruise ship will show up and flood the town with 7000 tourists. I luckily avoided one of those days!

    The scenery is pretty amazing, and the derelict building used to be the largest in alaska! Back when whittier was primarily used as an army base after ww2.

    Definitely worth the visit.
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  • Dia 72

    Kenai Fjords National Park and Seward

    13 de junho de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    I saw Killer Whales!!! I don't think I need to say anymore about this place. They have always been my favourite animal for as long as I can remember and now I've seen them in the wild. I had goosebumps watching them swimming through the water!

    Seward was about 150 miles from anchorage (I think). It was a tiny little place but plenty of hikes (apparently - I didn't do any).

    I jumped straight onto the boat and went out to the Kenai Fjords National Park. I saw Killer Whales (if you didn't already know), humpback whales, sea otters, porpoises, puffins... and other seal type things that I can't remember the name of... I didn't really care as I was watching the Killer whales 😂. We also took the boat right up to the foot of a glacier and watched it calve and crash into the sea, it was nuts! Sounded like thunder but looked so small... because we were so far away.

    The hostel in Seward was a strange little place but great fun, nice people all with interesting stories. Spent the evening chatting with a guy who'd spent 16 days climbing Denali... seemed like a stupid idea to me.

    Before checking out in the morning I took a walk up to the river where you can see the salmon swimming upstream. There was a small shed on the stream where they monitor and record the ages of a sample of the fish going through. They also help the salmon to stay safe while they have the baby salmon (can't remember what that's called either) and then record a sample of the babies swimming back down stream. It was actually pretty interesting.

    Also saw a moose and 2 bald eagles on the walk!
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  • Dia 69

    Denali Park

    10 de junho de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    After the Arctic Circle ride Kip, Rich and Shad were heading the same way as me down to Denali Park. I didn't have anywhere to stay sorted, was planning on just showing up and finding a camping spot but they already had somewhere booked and let me pitch up with them for the couple of nights I was staying.

    It was great fun, we played lots of cards, drank some beer and ate some great camp cooked food (Rich is a brilliant chef).

    Spending 2 nights there meant I had a day without needing to get on the bike so was able to head out to the park and do a bit of hiking. We stayed pretty close to civilisation as the other guys had another day of hiking the following day and had a big hike planned. But even staying close the views were awesome, we hikes around a lake, saw some pretty cool beaver dams and a few moose!!

    A couple of says of brilliant chilled fun (despite the rain and cold).
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  • Dia 67

    Arctic Circle

    8 de junho de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Made it to the Arctic Circle!


    2 years ago I didn't have a motorbike licence and now I've just finished riding one from the Mexican/US border (or 15 miles above it to be accurate) to the Arctic Circle. Its all very silly really 😂 It feels like I've reached the last major milestone on the trip... even though it wasn't a milestone at the start. I've bumped into a few people doing the same run up to alaska and they have all told me they've been planning for a couple of years. Not really sure what they were planning though, there's 1 road and you have to use all the petrol stations because there's 150 miles in between them. Perhaps I'm missing something or I'm just stupid haha! Either way they were all very surprised I'd just decided to do it a couple of weeks ago amd even more surprised I was doing it on a 500cc, seemed to get me a lot of respect from everyone else on their big bikes.

    I found a group of 3 guys who had ridden up from San Diego and were unsure about whether to do the ride up the Dalton Highway to the arctic circle... I persuaded them they should so I would have support of anything went wrong on the 150 miles of dirt we had to do. It didn't and we all made it just fine... except we missed the only petrol station (using the word very loosely as you'll see in the pictures) so the Jerry cans became essential to get us out of trouble!

    The ride up was ok temperature wise, some snow but not terrible. We camped up there overnight which was pretty chilly and light... all night... in fact I haven't seen night time in about a week now and it's really messing with my body clock. The ride back down in the morning was freezing! It was actually snowing on us as we rode.

    I'm nearly 11,000 miles into the trip and Skippy hasn't let me down once, what a fantastic little bike 😁
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  • Dia 66

    Alaska ride day5: Haines Jct - Fairbanks

    7 de junho de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Another 500 mike day but we've made it to Alaska!!! Crazy times 😂
    The roads were terrible, they get torn apart through the winter by ice surges under the tarmac so you get huge drops and bumps in the road.

    Got drenched all morning by the rain but it cleared up this afternoon. By the time I got to Fairbanks it was a lovely 24 and sunny!

    Stopped at North Pole on the way, enjoyed a little Christmas before heading to my hostel in Fairbanks and who would be there... but the 3 guys I've been bumping into at every petrol station, lunch spot, breakfast spot the whole way up. Got dinner with them and settled in for an early night... except that's not possible because its 10.30pm and looks like its still 2pm outside.
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